i ToTaLLy DoNt BeLiEvE wUt Ur FrIeNd RiCkY sAiD aBoUt ThE tHiRtY yEaR oLd MaN...bUtTtTtTtT...aLLs I kNo Is I fReAkInG HATE iT wHeN gUyS LiE aBoUt ThEiR aGeS, i OnCe MeT A gUy WhO wAs LiKe ThIrTeEn BuT hE ToLd Me He WaS sIxTeEn...HE TOTALLY LOOKED IT!!!! hAhA.. o WeLL..NeEdLeSs To SaY...tHaT wEnT AbSoLuTeLy NOWHERE. SoRrY, I dOnT dAtE tHe YoUnGeR oNeS. i Go FoR oLdEr GuYs..HeLL yA. aInT tHaT a tRiP? lOl AlRiGhT wEll Im OuT. iF u NeEd To ReAcH mE I tHiNk MaNnY hAs My PhOnE nUmBeR....iM aCtUaLLy NoT sUrE iF hE dOeS, bUt TiS wOrTh A sHoT. lOl aLrIgHt WeLL iM oUt!! bE cOoL
Re: dirty old mansilly_girl55May 7 2005, 03:15:06 UTC
One time, I knew a girl who was 25 and told me she was 15. Her name was Bertha. Bertha is a scary name for a woman. I mean, I dont know about u but I wouldnt date someone named bertha. Im scared of all women named bertha cuz they might kick my ass.
Ashley likes dirty old men btw.
She told me one time that she did. She said she wants her friends to buy her an inflatable old man for christmas this year. So theres a great gift ideas for you gals lookin to get her something ;)
Comments 8
Maybe yall can make a new taco place. The Taco Twins
Ashley likes dirty old men btw.
She told me one time that she did. She said she wants her friends to buy her an inflatable old man for christmas this year. So theres a great gift ideas for you gals lookin to get her something ;)
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