Get-Well Gamers Foundation and donations

Sep 04, 2005 16:01

Snagged out of Interdictor blog, the crew that has been posting to LJ from downtown New Orleans.
Update: it's 501(c)(3)-certified, so you'll get a tax write-off reciept!

My name is Ryan Patrick Sharpe, and I'm the President of the Get-Well Gamers
Foundation, a California-based Non-Profit organization that gives video games
and systems to children's hospitals across the US. I recieved a call this
afternoon from a Red Cross lady in El Paso, Texas, where we have donated to
hospitals in the area before. According to the Red Cross, they're expecting
5,000 refugees in El Paso shelters in the coming days, many of them children.
After hearing of what our charity does, the Red Cross has asked us for any kind
of entertainment we could provide- video games, DVDs, anything to help these
poor people escape their shattered lives for a little while.

Now, I
realize that video games aren't anywhere near a vital necessity for such a
tragedy, but having already done everything else I could (Cash to the relief
effort, Blood to the Red Cross, signing up the Foundation's office space for
temporary refugee housing) I welcome the chance to use my Foundation for
whatever good it can do. Believe me, right now I wish I'd gone into the
canned-food drive biz or something more practical, but I'm a gamer and my
charity has heretofore been a "By gamers, for gamers" kind of thing.

Red Cross lady said they were expecting the refugees within the next couple
days, but that they were expecting them to stay for weeks if not longer, so
we're going to start sending out PlayStations and Game Boy Advanced's Tuesday
(Monday if the post office makes an exception for relief mail) and will continue
to supply the various refugee camps as long as our inventory holds out.

If you wanna hear more, you can check out our website:

Or just send any old, spare
videogames you might have to:

The Get-Well Gamers Foundation
Hanakai Lane
Huntington Beach, CA, 92646

We're sending out stuff as
new as PS2's and as old as Super Nintendos, so don't worry about your stuff
being out of date. Hell, don't even worry about it being broken, we've got a
couple engineers on retainer who are good at resurfacing discs and fixing
consoles up.

Thanks again,
--Ryan Patrick Sharpe
President, The
Get-Well Gamers Foundation
"The Get-Well Gamers
Foundation- Giving Kids A Power-Up!"
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