Stolen from the cops

Jun 27, 2005 21:05

Time = 9:05 pm
Name = Jason D Walker
Tattoos = None. Maybe some day.
Piercings = None, want to get one just for the fun of it though.
Height = 6'3
Shoe size = 13/2 wide perfered
Hair color = Black
Eye color = Hazel/orange
Siblings = 3 older brothers
Status = SINGLE

Movie you rented = I do not remember
Movie you last bought = Never bought a movie in my life
CD you bought/burned = Foo Fighters - In your Honor
T.V. show you've watched = Robot Chicken

Do... :
you wish you could live somewhere else? = not really
Others find you attractive = I don't ask if they do.
you want more piercings = Maybe
you like cleaning = When I do it, I make sure it is awesome
you like roller coasters = Hell no
You write cursive or print = My cursive sucks ass so I always print.
Driving drunk = Nah, I like living.
Ever cried over a girl = Nope
Ever cried over a boy = Uh no.
Ever been lied to = Pfft, yeah.
Ever been arrested = Nope.

Shampoo do you use = What ever my parents buy
are you scared of = Not really sure.

Of hearts I have broken? 2
Of people I could trust with my life? I don't care for trusting people.
Of scars on my body? Uhhhh I don't remember
Of things in my past that I regret? I don't really remember

Do you think you are:
Funny = Of course I am funny
Loveable = I am a teddy bear.
Caring = Sometimes
Dorky = Pfft, Dorky, never, cool always.

4 letter word = Porn
Actor/Actress = Don't care
Color(s) = Black, grey, dark blue, ash.

Person who last:
Saw you cry = uh......iono.
Yelled at you = People at work.
Sent you an email = I don't read e-mails.

Have you ever:
Cried during a movie = Nope
Planned your week by tv guide = Nope.
What time is it now? = 9:17
Apples or bananas? = Apples.
Walmart or target? = ......I work at Target.
Spring or Fall? = Spring
What are you gonna do after you finish this? = Find some dinner.

Noise you heard? = T.v
Smell you sniffed? = My Room.
Time you went out of state? = Long ass time ago.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many? = yes, 2 or 3
Most important thing to you in a friendship is? = Making me laugh and not feel bored.

Other Info:
Criminal record? = I might have one.
Last book you read = Don't remember the titles.
How old do you look? = People think I am atleast 23 ish and that I have a son :(
How old do you act? = 15
Pets = none
What makes you happy? = the moments my mind doesn't think.

Have You Ever:
Thought you were going to die = When I was at the beach and a wave pretty much owned me.
Wanted to Run away = Nah.
Flunked a grade = No.
Ran away = No.
Skipped a grade = No.
Been in jail = No.
Contacted the police = Yes.
Been suspended = way too many times
Stolen Anything = Yes.
Cheated On A Test = Yes.
Been In The Hospital = Yes.
Let a friend cry on your shoulder = Yes.
Fell asleep in the bath = No, to damn tall to get comfortable.
Gone to Church = Yes.
Been to camp = Yes.
Been in a earthquake = Yes.
Been in a tornado = No.
Streaked in the streets = Yes.
Been attacked = By who exactly?
Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours = Nope, I try to end the conversation after 30 mins to an hour.
What time is it now? 9:23
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