Jul 22, 2008 11:35
Okay.. So I haven't posted or even checked out my f-list for the past week or so. Sacrilege, I know.
But what I did do was um.. kinda inadequately trained the new guy, Brad. And watch The Big Bang Theory the entire first season. I'm now torn between BSG, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Dexter, Supernatural and Dr Who. I don't know what to watch next. Kat and I met up a few times. Had huge piece-wise meals of the past (leftovers - loads of them) and ate enough to fill us for three days. I'm such a terrible hostess. Oh, and I.... haven't done much else. OH WAIT. DR. HORRIBLE HAPPENED TOO. AND WHEEEEEE. NPH is total love. Like TOTAL LOVE.
And now I waste time on Facebook because people don't use e-mail anymore. It sucks having to hunt people down on FaceBook because it kinda gets messy. Silly people!
And NO. I still haven't seen the Dark Knight.
EDIT: Okay, TBBT (the big bang theory) online, streamed is fun, but is so, SO much better on my TV. Because HD programing on a 60" TV is fucking awesome. Sorry, but its SO WORTH IT.
film: the dark knight,
tv: the big bang theory