"Combat baby/ come back baby.... fight, fight, fight, fight"

Jan 22, 2009 19:23

I came back to excitedly post about coop job offering in Vancouver to work on a cyclotron. That's right, Canada has her own sub-particle accelerator. But I was mellowed out by Metric's "Calculation (Theme)" disheartend at the slow news trickle about the Avatar whitewashing and sorely reminded I have to complete a Stats lab.

And I was further confused by Robin's crazy characterization. I do feel (given another 10 issues, at least) Fabian N... (I'm sorry, I can't spell your last name, mister) would make more sense. Hal's "I'm going rainbow and sexy" thing is really kinda cool, too. Except that came out TOTALLY wrong. Still, I think Kyle would be better for this 'White Lantern' thing.

Oh, for the daily funnies, us brilliant Mechanical Engineers decided it'd be swell to model a penis using Pro/E (solid modeling program). It was a great twenty minutes of jokes and terrible ideas. Ultimate stress, wearable protractors ("Who needs cock rings anyways? I've got a sextant!") and video models, sound effects... It was also hypothesized it'd improve sex. *headdesk*

Man, next week is U-G-L-Y. Both my bi-weekly labs are next week, as is New Years, three job interviews. I also have to complete a gear box with CRAZY questions. Questions I don't even understand. My sister is also coming home from DC. It's gonna be fun hearing about the inauguration from her.

university: life, music, rambling, random

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