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California travel guide Oh, poor, neglected West Virginia. I really have no desire to visit you. It seems like I may have had to drive through you at some point, but I really can't remember, so it doesn't count. I really would like to visit Maine - and the upper northeast in general.
I've knocked out alot of these states on long roadtrips, CA-TX, CA-ID, GA-FL, TX-WI, TX-KY, TX-GA, SC-TX, TX-DC, TX-MI, MI-DC, TX-NE, TX-CO. A few of those were on busses or in vans, for crew regattas. Wow, I never realized I had spent so many hours in cars. A couple of these trips I've made more than once. Anybody wanna come on my next trip? Going from Dallas, TX to Chicago, IL the first week in January. You'd have to pack light, as I'm hauling anything I can fit in the car with me. Planning on a two-day trip, stop-over yet to be determined. This could be affected by weather, as driving in snow makes me nervous. Let me know if you're up to the challenge