Oct 02, 2002 23:43
one of these days we mite get caught.. but yeah. Me n' Erykah went house egging.. lmao. N' then we went to this girl's house named lauren. They left their car door open xD And well.. we thru cheese n' shiet on their driveway. Then I threw one piece far enough that it went on the car... lmao. omg, we ran for it. Then we found these mushrooms in the grass and we picked a bunch like normal and then threw them on tara's dad's truck. It made a LOUD ass clunk! It was soooo damn funnie. We ran and started cutting thru yards cuz we noticed tara's dad was in the living room... so we booked it as fast as we could. I still had some shrooms in mai hand so we decided we'd go put them on Neko's front porch.. but then we decided we'd put them somewhere else.. LOL. Can't say where we put them tho.. okay fine. So yep.. we came back and erykah thought she saw a little shroom and she picked it up and it turns out it was a used condom.. LMAO!!! Ewwwwie!! Nasty!!! GROSS! *pukes* Yep... I jus' like dropped to the ground in the street laughing so hard. Almost got run over *sniff sniff*
anyway, during skoo.. this one girl came up to me.. and she's all like "why ain't yoo be talking to me anymore?!" and i'm like "ugh, iono, i haven't seen yoo.. I'm not as close with the people I was last year anymore.." and she like "oh" and i'm thynkin' to maiself... "sue me biatch.. I dun got time to talk to EVERYONE, shiet".. piss me off.
Ack.. 1st hour mai teacher yelled at me cuz I wuzn't payin' attention.. welpz fuck you! I dun care! 2nd hour wuz gay.. p.e. wuz alright. I was like spacing out, and I actually got to home base for once, yet I didn't kno where da bases were.. so I got confused.. ;x Eeep! No making fun of me dan! LOL. Okie.. clock ish 11:11.. i told ya guyz sumtin wrong wit me... eep. Yep.. so then 4th hour wuz koo. I love making those hanging thingies! They're sooo kool! I can't wait till 4th hour tomorrow ;D I feel bad cuz I made Nigel go all the way back to his locker to gimme a mint cuz i was die'in of hunger, sorriez Nigel! Yep. Okie.. welpz.. imma go. And in conclusion wit a story from mai baby boo...
Once upon a time there was a famous archer, Hou Yi, who with his arrow was able to slay mankind's worst enemies, furious beasts that inhabited the earth
Yi was married to Chang-O, a beautiful but inquisitive woman who had been an attendant o the queen mother of the West before her marriage. Now at this time, there were 10 suns that took turns circling the earth-one every 10 days. One day all 10 of the orbs circled together causing the earth surface to burn and threaten mankind. The wise emperor of China summoned Yi and commanded him to kill but one of the suns, This Yi proceeded to do. Upon the completion of his task, Yi was rewarded with a pill The elixir of life, and advised: "make no haste to swallow this pill, but first prepare yourself with prayer and fasting for a year." Being a wise man, Yi took the pill home and hid it under a rafter while he began healing his spirit in the midst of this, Yi was summoned again by the emperor
While her husband was gone, Chang-O noticed a beam of white light beckoning from the rafter, She followed it and a fragrant perfume, discovered the pill and swallowed it. Immediately Chang-O found she could fly. Just as that moment her husband returned home, realize what had happened and began to reprimand his wife. Yi sped after her, bow in hand, and the pursuit continued halfway across the heavens. Finally Yi had to return to the earth because of the force of the wind. his wife reached the moon and there, breathless, she coughed and part of the pill fell from her mouth. Now, the hare was already on the moon and Chang-O commanded the animal to take pesle and mortar and pound another pill so that she return to earth and her husband. The hare is still pounding. as for Yi, he built himself a palace int he sun as Yang, Chang-O as Yin Once a year, on the 15th day of the full moon, Yi visits his wife. That is why the moon is full and beautiful on that night.
The end
I LOVE that story! *wants more*