May 30, 2010 11:10
Hello everyone. [Suzaku is sat facing the camera as if he's making an official announcement. He looks a little nervous to be addressing 'the people' like this, but he begins anyway, occasionally looking off to one side as he speaks.]
It seems there are a few people missing, and all though Darryn and I have been searching for them most every day, I think it's time we expanded the look out.
Miss La Bouff has been missing since we became children, and also Miss Dawnstrike and Prince Schneizel have not been seen nor heard from in a fair while. The Professor was found, but he was in a bad way and that makes it likely the others have been hurt as well.
Could we do a head count? Reply here if you are in demeleier and safe? Those who don't reply we'll have to assume are missing and that means we should be looking for them.
public service,
a knight proves his worth by his deeds