Feb 21, 2010 11:56
I keep making mistakes, I know I do but I just can't help it. You ever been so deeply in love that you are nothing without that other person beside you? I can't get her out of my head and it is driving me nuts. I try to talk to her and she ignore's it cause who know's maybe that will make the pain go away? Thats bullshit but w/e I can accept it, just continue on my merry way in the path of life. Oh right she was a part of ALL OF THAT. It's not like this is some unthoughtful highschool romance that you can just move on from. We were in love so deeply that our lives revolved around the other person? I would do anything I could to spend every second I could with her. I would call in sick to work if she had a full day off so that we could spend it together. I gave everything I had to her. Yes sometimes I was an ass and sometimes I got a little carried away when we were joking/playing around but when you had enough did I not stop? If you asked me to do something did I not do it? If you asked anything of me was I not there for you to provide it/ Help with it/DO ANYTHING IN MY FUCKING POWER to help you? I don't think that what I did was enough but what you didn't do was let me know what I needed to do so that it was. Shit's not supposed to be perfect all the time and thats the whole point. Love is not supposed to be easy, if anything it is just another job and it takes alot of work to keep it going well. We slacked at it because we figured that we were already so in love that nothing could break it. Obviously we were wrong but just because you screw up at work doesn't mean that you should quit and find another job. You should work harder and communicate with your co-workers to help you work better and do better at the job. Quitting doesn't solve anything it just puts off the inevitable your bound to make the same mistakes or worse. I'm here willing and trying to make it work but it won't untill you realize this as well. I will love you till the end of time and if it doesn't work out now I'm sure we will be together sometime.