I managed to get one of my machines installed with a os version I didn't want, and no way to change it. Normally, this means it's time to koan/cobbler to get it re-provisioned. But I couldn't log into the machine to do anything. I could of reinstalled it from a cd/dvd, but I hate burning cd/dvd's for that. I could of written an image to usb key and installed from that, but I didn't have any with me.
So I decided to try what
Mark Cox; did and try to boot it from my phone. I more or less just followed the steps he mentioned, though I had to get some 3rd party software to expose the storage card as a usb device.
But that aside, it worked. Not the fastest way to boot, but it got the live image running so I could do a hard drive install. Kind of cool. Wonder if there is anyway to support i386/x86_64 live images on the same card?