might start posting all regular like

Dec 15, 2010 10:54

Dream: I was in a state of the art high school. Veronica, Sam, myself, and 2 others just finished making something largish and made out of clay. We were all trying to calculate how long it took to do the project. Everybody had a hard time doing the math. Then I was outside and the bell had rung for the kids to line-up. I volunteered to get this kid into the line. He was kicking balls farther into the fields rather than picking them up and carrying them indoors. I picked up the kid and made him haul a ball inside. We went to the class but had to leave and go to another part of the building. my poor directional sense kicked in and we got lost. Then we stumbled upon the weight room/swimming area. Some much older teenagers were watching a horror movie that reflected the kids and then started to come true. The teenagers didn't realize this until one of them was covered in pizza and then eaten by a monster. I hauled ass out of there with the kid still tucked under one arm with a ball still in his hands. We wandered around trying to find some help and fighting of the creepies until I woke up.

I strangely know where most of that came from. Recently made homemade pizza and ate leftovers for like 3 days until yesterday. Been reading about plans for a new high school for north polk and seeing it on the news even. The rest is just kind of like a dream I would have anyway.

I messed up my hand the other day when shoveling. My right hand can't grip as hard as it should. It is still weak today but finally doing better. It doesn't hurt to squeeze things as much as it has the past two days. Hoping it is on the mend.
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