Jul 19, 2006 21:43
Crazy things are happening and tons of them all at once. Everybody should be glad to know that I have in fact finally registered for classes. The ISU is damn lucky to have me too. Anyway, I will be taking classes every m,w,f from 8-4 I believe. Tombo and I will even be able to carpool! We also have a class together so that will be crazy. Yes I know that just shows how long I have held off the inevitable college. I just hope that I haven't been gone so long that I am totally lost and can't remember how to procrastinate. Unfortunately, I still have to work. Yep my sorry ass will still be at the home tuesday, thursday, and every sunday from 1-8ish. Saturday will be my only free day. Wish me luck!
August is going to be the death month. First, is the anime iowa con which I took the 3-7th off for. Josh & Kayla's wedding will be taking up the 11-13 of august. My birthday is the 13th so I am sure we will have a family supper some time in there as well. College starts the 21 so books will have to be bought some time as well. Also mombo is looking for a house and hopes to be out of here before the end of august. Lots of changes all at once. Some make me kind of anxious.