Aug 30, 2005 05:37
Reasons why my parents have to think I am insane now
(if they actually hear things from up here)
1. I talk to myself
2. I yell out random things
3. I say replies to rp before typing them at times "Stop kicking me!"
4. I talk to people that I imagin are here and have conversations with them.
5. I watch videos of people being stupid. So the random yelling in pain and laughing from people is common.
6. Gunshots are a common sound up here from movies, and video games.
7. Random outbursts of me laughing.
8. Me choking, or coughing loudly. (Choking is common)
9. Me falling over or tripping over things.
10. Me beating up my fan.
11. Me punching walls.
12. Me falling down stairs.
13. "Awww... its head fell off..."
14. Randomly yelling peoples names