Okay, this chapter just proves why Zoey’s rivalry with Aphrodite and the Dark Daughters thing shouldn’t be the A plot. Zoey found Aphrodite having a vision and when she took her to Neferet, Aphrodite began talking about her vision, mentioning death, blood, and other horrible things. She also seemed to implicate Neferet having a hand in it, but Zoey doesn’t connect the dots. Later, Zoey is attacked by Elliot, the kid who just died earlier today, looking in awful lot like the ghost student she encountered a day ago (the timeline is still messed up).
And Zoey gives a token mention of these events, caring more about the party that essentially amounts to a popularity contest. This is the A plot, everything else is B plot. This is the tail-end of the book, I’m about three chapters to the end and only now something is happening. I don’t care about the rivalry or the Dark Daughters or Zoey’s relationship woes, I want something meaningful to happen. I want a story with relatable and likeable characters. The undead students should be the A plot and the rivalry spread out through several books.
I hate wasted potential.