Jul 02, 2009 23:40
Tonight I actually hauled my paints down to the gazebo and loaded them into the cabinet. The gazebo is not done, but it is done enough for now. (i.e., reasonably bug proof, reasonably weather proof...).
1. Those little plastic film cannisters are indeed fairly air tight. I used them to hold custom paint mixes, and about 50% are still liquid. Major factor was volume of paint (and if the lid was fully on...). Not bad for 11-12 years in storage.
2. Main paints are all fine. Good.
3. Some significant setup work to be considered. Mainly, do I get an easel from my parents house, or build something more sturdy, elobrate, and retractable hung from a wall of ceiling? Hmmm... Other setup is easier, like mess-proofing, bringing in water (bucket and hose), setting up lights as required, etc.
So my painting studio started in 2006 is at last going into service. next, what shall I paint?