Oct 06, 2005 10:56
Today, we're done. Well.. done with the major shit. No more painting the walls or ceilings or carrying heavy things! HURRAH! Least for right now anyway lol. My body hurts in so many ways it's just not funny. But we have actual furniture in the house and our beds are no longer on the ground so it's a yay moment for everyone. Well, of course we have our compies hooked up or else I wouldn't be able to post in here XDD I'm glad that we're done with the heavy things.. or the really major things. The house is really coming together nicely so it makes me happy. I have my own room! Makes me even happier hehe. It sucked to sleep in a living room and even weirder at times.
It's odd. I've been away from Gaia for a couple of weeks and for the most part, I haven't even missed it at all. Gaia has really not been high on my priority list though I know I have a shitload to do. And now that I'm back on and I've wandered around, I'm reminded exactly why I don't miss it. I HAVE missed LJ cause I'm sooo behind in my yaoi reading it's not funny >> *Unhappy ;_; * And I'm missing the chances of getting my BL dramas... pisses me off. I seriously need to start making a list of those I want >>
I will say this now. I hate groupies. I mean, I seriously hate them. I hate people who suck up to other, more 'powerful' people for something. Especially people who are drunk off power trips. It just irks me that people have so little common sense.. or maybe they do, but they'll never say what they really wanna say cause they're cowardly. Makes me sick. I feel sorry for people who live in delusions heh
I also dislike those who say one thing, but do another as soon as backs are turned. I hate shady people, for multiple reasons. Since I do have issues with trusting people in general, when it's done and I see it, it makes me lose trust in them. Especially if they're friends. Call me crazy, but I do have a hard time with people. Especially those who say one thing to me, but act completely different around others or want something after they've said they don't want it. It makes no sense to me and I think it's stupid to lie. But then again, I've been lied to a lot lately for no reason in general.. other than the people were fucking lazy sons of bitches with no honor. I hate lapdogs.
I've been doing a lot of note-taking lately. I've really been in the mood to wanna write. Like seriously sit down and write again. It's a nice feeling. One I haven't had for the longest time. I never realized how much I've missed actually writing for myself until I sat down and started to re-work my comic, Love me-Hate me. Sucks I have to change the entire thing for the most part but that's how it goes. I have three stories I wanna work on now. The rewrite, a story called 'On Black Wings' which will be a FFVII story with some OC charas tossed in and 'Death of Self'. Though the last one won't be a full blown story or anything. It's just something I need to write so I can shut a chapter in my book 'o life and move on. It's been bugging me so I've been writing down little paragraphs here and there in my notebook... well, one that actually have blank paper for me to write in! HA! I've been looking through my old folders, reading over stories I've started on and I wish I had more time. But that's how it is. I'm trying to do better on focusing on just a few things at a time. However, once I start RPing again, I'm sure that'll get tossed out the window XD Ah well, it's fun to wish.
I'm also working on Harems for Dummies with Purr. Basically it'll explain everything and everyone in Harems, my shop Zuuyunhashi, in easier terms. I know some people have been.. well rather confused by it. It's really not hard to figure out but I've never been good with simple explanations >> I'm so happy Purr said she'd help me out or else I'd be so screwed XP Purr's been a huge help to me in so many ways. I'm truly thankful for her. It'll be good to have The HfD around.. though there will be some changes in some of the charas currently inhabiting the world. Due to many reasons, quite naturally, that will never be explained, certain charas are being either demoted or changed all around. By my choice and by the following of my rules, it's fine. It IS, after all, my shop. It'll be fun to get everything in order... and explain the various people and things in my world. Heh though my shop is small, my idea for it isn't. I can't help it. Writing is my first love. I'll probably be writing a story about it all sooner or later. That'll be really, really fun! icon_heart.gif
I've also been doodling a bit here and there. Finally made an icon for myself to stick on my art.. as a copyright and all that good shit. I just need to scan it and fix it and all that. I need to finish the Exile work I need to do. So that leaves Xen, finishing Sonata and Ahiln, Tikayun, Ahiko and Nali, Shuyen and I think that's all of them. Oh and Eyulra. Gotta make Eyulra. He'd hit me sooo hard if I forgot him! I also have a lot of coloring I'll be needing to do but that's okay. it'll be fun practice and I'll hopefully get better >> Gods I suck so hard >< Well... okay I am getting slightly better but I still need a lot of practice. I would be working now, but I need to have music playing or else I can't focus right. Sounds weird, yes I know, but that's how it is for me. Gotta have the music. I need to work on my commissions but right now, shop things are a bit more important. It's a good thing I warn people I'm a slow ass mofo >> I dun wanna get hate mail. Though I've already been told by Purr that if I draw one more piccu of Jiro without making her Shounen, my ass is grass. Thankfully, I haven't been drawing my latest obsession for awhile. I think with trying to do his emotes, my brain fried a little bit. Oh well. >> as soon as I have the customs done I won't have to do anything in Shounen for awhile... oh and I need to make dragoil's shounen... *Runs off to PM the lineart to her >>* gotta color him.
There has also been something that I've been thinking about. Something that's been bugging me for awhile and I dunno how to properly bring up this topic with the person it's involved with. It's hard cause it's something I know that needs to be spoken of, but I don't know if he'll get it or he'll shrug it off as he tends to with most of our problems... as it seems to me. I could try to explain it but it's hard.. and I can't air out our issues in public.. ah well.. maybe one day I'll rant about it. Just cause I need to get all my thoughts together and I always seem to do it best here. Weird huh...
I think that's everything for right now. I could rant about something, but I wanna write my story. It's much more pleasant.. plus I think I'll start on coloring Xen X3 I luff my evil man icon_heart.gif