
Sep 18, 2007 21:25

ms_rebellious ordered me to do it~~ So, here it goes!

Pick 12 random slashable characters in any order:

01 - Miles Edgeworth [Phoenix Wright]
02 - Kurogane [TRC]
03 - Seed [Suikoden II]
04 - Akito Wanijima [AG]
05 - Lavi [DGM]
06 - L [Death Note]
07 - Ky Kyske [Guilty Gear]
08 - Fay D. Flourite [TRC]
09 - Phoenix Wright [Phoenix Wright]
10 - Ikki Minami [AG]
11 - Culgan [Suikoden II]
12 - Sol Badguy [Guilty Gear]

Does 10 strike you as a voyeur and/or an exhibitionist?

... He's a CANON exhibitionist. XD

Who in all the multiverse would 11 most likely bottom to?

There's no way in hell he'd bottom to anybody XD Well... Maybe to Seed, but only if Culgan actually would like him to be on top~~

Would you rather do 3 or 5?

Two hot red-heads, huh? I'd most likely do Seed, though. He's not only handsome, but intelligent and charismatic as well. He's one awesome character, let me tell you :3

Which of 4 and 1 would you rather have do you?

... Both Miles and Akito CAN'T do ANYBODY.

12 and 2 are having sex in an airplane. Construct a snippet of dialogue that happens during this encounter.

Holy God. Um. Well >>'' They are both 100% semes, so...

Sol: No way in hell. Just... NO.
Kuro: Oh, come on...
Sol: NO.
Kuro: Is it about the people around us...?
Sol: No. I don't fuckin' care about them. But there is no way I'd do THAT to YOU.
Kuro: It ain't gonna suck itself, Badguy!


I'm lame XD''

How much would you pay to see naked pictures of 11? Have you? Where can the rest of us find these pictures?

Like... A lot. XD I haven't seen any pictures of naked Culgan yet... Hell, there aren't many images of him around, are there? I wish he'd get more attention for some unknown reason... He's really pretty and I'd love to see some nice fanarts of him. <3

Well, I guess there are some djs with him being naked (together with Seed XD) on the net, but I'm too lazy to search for them XD

Where are 5 and 9 most likely to have sex? Who on your list is most likely to write a trashy novel about it?

I don't want them to have sex together. NEVER EVER. Uh, in the some kind of office? And there isn't anybody - thank God - who would write it XD

When 12 masturbates, he or she thinks about...

Mrrr, he's got large hands XD *cough*

Well, about his canon boyfriend, Ky, perhaps?

Come up with a title for a 12/7/1 threeway. Would you read it? Would you write it? What would some of the warnings be?

"Fighting in the courtroom"; sure, I would - hell, I'd write it if I had some free time XD Warnings? Crack and shameless NC-17.

What is 11's favorite sex toy?

... Well, that'd be something sharp, I guess XD Dunno what exactly it would be, though.

Who's more likely to be tied up during consensual sex, 2 or 6?

Sorry, L, I can't imagine Kuro being tied up, so... L. XD

If 11 and 3 are carrying on a torrid and forbidden love affair, who's most likely to spill the beans? What would the other person do to retaliate?

Well, um, actually, the ARE in kinda forbidden love affair, I guess XD Seed would be the first to tell someone, but I don't think that Culgan would be angry about it, nor do something about the whole case at all; he'd just calmly accept the fact that every single person in the castle would be drolling over their gayness *cough*

As a birthday present, 7's longtime lover 5 offers to do whatever 7 wants in bed. What's 7's secret birthday wish?

Oh, my, he'd propably ask for a little sex triangle with Sol XD

Choose a food item for 4 and 12 to use together.

Something spicey... Spanish food, or maybe grilled fish.

8 and 4 are in a fulltime relationship. Who's the top?

I don't think they'd be in a sexuall relationship - I can only imagine them having cute talk and kissing... Maybe. XD But no sex.

Which fetish is 9 least likely to indulge?

Sex with Edgeworth's cravat? XD

What would you do if you had 8 naked, willing, and ready in your bed? What would 5 do if he/she had 8 naked, willing and able in his/her bed?

Hmm, if I had Fai naked on my bed, I'd propably take some photos and then show them to Kurogane~~<3

XD Lavi? I think he'd do the same thing XD XD

What wouldn't 10 and 4 tell their friends about their sex life, assuming they had both a mutual sex life and some friends?

Oh, my, IkkiAki! XD I think Akito would tell some... Interesting facts about Ikki's measurements or something XD

10 gets a tattoo to declare his/her eternal love for 9. Where is it? What does it say?

... "Love u, Nicky boi"? XD

Imagine that 2 writes an erotic 11/6 fic. What sort of summary might the fic he/she writes have?

Oh, my, I can't imagine Kuro writing something like that >>

"It's a cracky erotic story that one very stupid blond idiot made me to write." XD

If 2 walked into the room wearing nothing but a red thong and a feather boa, how would 8 react?

XDDD Oh holy damn, he'd jump him immediately and take him straight to the bedroom XD

And the obligatory fill in the blanks erotic fairy tale! Change the numbers with the matching names on your list:

Phoenix and Miles are having a quickie in a broom closet when Fay walks in on them. Naturally enough, Fay joins in, first paging Seed, who's in the middle of fucking Lavo into the mattress. Seed abandons Lavi on the verge of orgasm, excited by the possibility of illicit broom closet sex, and Lavi, irate, becomes a highly paid prostitute until the well-meaning and generous Akito attempts to rescue him/her. But Lavi will have none of it, refuses to be redeemed, and opens a high-class brothel in Los Angeles, where Ikki is one of his/her regular clients.

XD Crack, but I DO like crack XD And I caught my PW OTP with this one~~<3

Nothing much to add, I don't have enough time to write something about my real life right now... XD

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