Mar 28, 2008 01:30
Dear Bad RPers,
You suck. Seriously, you really piss me off. Whether you are a 12 year old airhead that somehow got allowed on to the site, an unoriginal fake who copies an anime character waaaaaaaay past their name and then plays them poorly, a powergamer who can come up with a lame excuse why you're not really dead, or someone who just can't write worth a damn (Grammer, people! Learn it!), the result is the same. I loathe you. You are like a girl scout gleefully trying to sell me burnt cookies. I don't care if you say they're delicious. They're not. You're trying to sell me crap.
What's more, if I point out that your metaphoric cookies are burnt, I'm somehow the bad guy. Or you ignore me. What's more, when I let one of the peacemakers (Windy, Karu, Saki-chan) you try and walk all over them. Or argue with them, which pisses me off even more. They are the ones that actually want to help you, and you treat them like shit.
So yeah, sometimes I decide to rip you guys a new one. Yeah, the peacemakers go "OMG guys, break it up, this is supposed to be a happy place." You know what? I know something you don't. Secretly, they wish they could do the same thing. They're too nice to do that. And I respect that, because honestly, they're right. Fighting online is a dumb, stupid thing, and it tears up the coolness of the site. But every so often, you guys are worth disturbing the peace a little.
Come on. Make my day.
Yours Truly,
Mean Gamer Dude Akito
Dear Good RPers,
Have I ever mentioned how much I owe you? In every book on writing that I've read, every professional writer I've met, every english teacher I've ever had, all of them say the same thing. Write constantly. Try new things, go in new directions, explore every aspect of the spectrum that is humanity, but most importantly, KEEP WRITING. It's like a muscle, it will only get more developed the more you work it, and if you let it rest it will atrophy.
Thank you, my personal trainers of the written world. You've pushed me above and beyond the limit which I could push myself. You've forced me to keep on my toes, flesh out characters so that they have become people. You've demanded Why Why Why. Why is Akito this way? Why is Alex joining up with the party? Why does Serra become attatched to Khai? Why does Serafina suck so much at magic, yet she can get into a Magic college? You've forced me to become a better writer just to keep up with you all.
And then you reward me with such wonderful bits of storyline that I can't wait for the next post. You all make it WORTH IT, knowing that if I write my part well, you will respond with something just as good if not better. You guys are an aspiring writer's wet dream.
And yeah, I'm even glad you pull me back from bashing the craptastic RPers on the site. Because you're right, everyone isn't as wonderful as you guys are. So thank you for being there to stop me from arbitrarily flying off the handle and killing all the stupid n00bs on the site. Everyone deserves a chance to fly, even if they waste it.
You guys are the best. I love you like family.
Yours Truly,