Nov 16, 2007 02:01
Stolen from Windsong's journal, because it is full of win.
1. How many characters do you have?
Lets see... counting Angels, Dei, side characters, and Alex who has yet to come into the story on DotE (Glares at Saki-chan): 10
2. Who is your favorite character to roleplay as?
Currently, Hiro. Used to be Kensa. All of my other characters have kind of settled down by now, though I'm waiting for Saki-chan to get back into action so there can be a big dramacon between Akito, Sakuya, and Dawn. I kind of want to draw that out a little more, but there is a definate confrontation coming up that's going to make me focus on Akito.
3. What is your favorite thing to roleplay?
Romantic Drama. I think everyone on AF can attest to that. It never fails, every single one of my characters aquires a love interest. Romance is just so interesting to roleplay, because it shows what the character is most vulnerable to and how they react to that. It's really fun ^_^.
4. What is your least favorite thing to roleplay?
To be honest, the parties on AF. They are fun to start off, but after a while it just gets boring. I'm more of an RPer who likes advancing a story, and the party threads are more places to just let loose and have fun conversations.
5. What qualities do you look for in a roleplay partner?
I like people who actively contribute to the story. I mean yeah, I can hold your hand the whole way, take you through the story, show you places for you to chime in or do something, but is that really fun? I like people who throw me for a loop, who think up a solution to the crisis that I never expected, which challenges me to think of how it changes the story. That way its more of a dialogue than a multiple-choice test. We tell the story to each other.
6. Where do you usually roleplay?
Angel Fall, and sometimes Angelic Dreams.
7. What gets your crank going when you roleplay?
Drama! In AF, I will deliberately lose a fight that I could have won if it's more dramatic for the character to lose. I know I had Akito do some pretty boneheaded things with Sakuya just to amp up the angst factor, because lets face it: drama is fun. As long as it's happening to someone else, that is... like our characters.
8. What's the worst thing someone has done to you in a roleplay?
Keep stopping the RP to argue about rules. I don't care about the rules. It's not that important. The fight isn't that important. Telling the story is, to me anyway. If you're going to nitpick about the rules all down the line, I don't want to play with you. Shut up and RP, for gods sake!
9. Any memorable roleplays?
Wow. Um, every single thread with Akito x Sakuya. Best. RP. Match-up. EVAH! This is a shout out to you, Saki-chan. You are the best RP partner ever! I don't think Akito would have grown nearly as much in depth if it wasn't for you.
10. When was the last time you roleplayed?
November 11th. Still waiting on Madi-chan.