About adding me

Dec 31, 2020 00:00

Thanks for drawing those kawaii NEWS chibi xD
Because my friend list is going to be extended so I think I need to make this post :D

About me, you can read on sidebar <3

1) If you love NEWS/Tegomass I think we can get along well ^_^ (Especially if you love Yuya or Koyashige biased as me xDD. And sometime Tegomass biased too lol~)

2) Please comment to this post when add me ;__; Don't just say something like "I'm NEWS/Tegomass fan, add me" '__' I prefer knowing more about who add me, like your name, where you live, who's your ichiban in NEWS, the reason why you want to add me, ect. ect.. because I want to become friend with you ^.^

3) My LJ is not only for NEWS/Tegomass. Sometime I'll post other stuff that I like. Beside, I don't have much time to keep updating my LJ. But almost NEWS/Tegomass'  won't be friend-locked. So plz don't add me just because of that -'__'-

* For anyone who added me and got me added back, some of you I don't know, so plz let me know a little bit of you by dropping comment here ^.^ And I hope you don't mind if sometime I spam your f-page with my nonsense post xD

i me and myself

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