Big Pimpin'

Feb 15, 2007 18:57


A couple of things that I betaed (WHAT is the correct spelling of this word?) and I think you should all go and read as well:

Title: Hide and Seek
Ship: Harry/Ginny
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and Emo!Harry
Summary: Pre-HBP. In which Harry is sad and Ginny saves him. And there is kissing in the rain. I’m original and you know it.
Words: 4787

I really enjoyed betaing this one because, well, I do enjoy the odd pre-HBP fic. Or quite a lot of them. Harry and Ginny always had the most ridiculously amazing kisses.

Hide and Seek


Title: Firewhiskey
Beta: Anonymous - still? I think so, so I'll keep schtum. Bleurgh I hate that phrase.
Ship: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG-15
Summary: When Hermione's parents are attacked by Death Eaters on Christmas, Ron doesn't quite know how to help her. Meanwhile, Harry's missing his Ginny. On New Year's Eve, two bottles of firewhiskey help the three of them kick off the new year.
Warnings: Mild sexuality, angst. Mention of H/G.
Word count: 3489

Really beautiful and angsty. I love Ron/Hermione when it's done right.



Other things that you should read:

Title: How to Take a Joke
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1377
Summary: Angelina teaches Fred exactly how well she knows how to take a joke. Pure PWP.

SO HOT. And brilliantly in-character. The only thing wrong with this is that it's too short.

How to Take a Joke


A post: The prophecy of the end times by
misentropic, via
metaquotes. I see this a vision of the future.
July 13
Appearance of first spoiler. Mass defriendings ensue.

WHY IS LIVEJOURNAL BEING SUCH A DICK? I've been trying to post a fic for about three hours. I'm giving up and going to bed. *is grumpy*


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