(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 18:43

Well, this is what you get when you don't look at your flist for two weeks.


I feel the need to cry, "It's not my fault!" But it is. It really, really is.

To cut a long story short, I spent the first week computer-less in Cornwall, and the second week ... reading fanfiction. Really, really stupid.

But how was I to know that Of Hearts and Heroes would be so good?

There I was, Sunday night, looking for some H/G smut that I hadn't read and I ended up on emmilyne's page, the author of Snow, a fic that 
mariantarielle alerted me to (as I haven't said this before - Snow: OMGSOGOOD.)

ANYWAY, I was looking at emmilyne's fics, and practically everything she'd written was set in some universe she'd created - a universe that centred around a big fat 49-chaptered fic. I'd read everything she'd written that wasn't connected to said fic before, I really like the author, and plus, the huge fic fit the bill: it was OBHWF, NC-17 rated. I was desperate. I thought, "Hey, I'll just read one chapter..."

And, well. What can I say? The cliffhangers, they just kept on coming! The tension! The FLAME FRUIT! (I could honestly say Guh about the flame fruit for the rest of my life. Guh. Guhguhguhguhguhguhguhguhguh.)

So basically, whenever I got on the internet to do something other than the fic, I would end up thinking "Why am I doing THIS when I could be READING?"

Now I've caught up with it. All forty-nine chapters of it. I feel as if I've sold my soul to it.


I'm posting and I haven't checked my flist - this seems like folly to me. But it can't be helped.

Bugger, I think I might be missing that Maria program. Maybe I'll check my flist tomorrow...

P.S. Check out brill icon! It's from this comic, titled Hermione Has Issues.


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