Predictions and Wishes (Again, spoiler-free)

Jul 19, 2007 20:00

Pick your sides, choose your teams, state your positions ... it is time. Or maybe it was time three weeks ago. Oh, well. I am late, as usual.


These are they:

1. The Gryffindor Horcrux is the doorknocker (Griffin-Door AHA) on Dumbledore's office. Voldemort did it when he came for the job interview.
2. Voldemort wants Hogwarts. And he's going to try and take it.
3. Luna Lovegood will die. So will Errol.
4. It is Kreacher on the UK cover, not Dobby.
5. There will be a greater significance to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes/Fred and George's skillz that killz in general.
6. The US cover depicts Harry in the land of the dead, and the people approaching are Voldemort's victims. If not, it is the fabled Hogwarts graveyard, and they are the castle's ghosts and/or normal inhabitants.
7. We have not seen the last of time travel. In what form, I do not know. Maybe, Harry will go back and tell Snape that he has to spend the next few years of his life stopping James Potter's son from dying because he's the wizarding world's only hope. Maybe, he'll tell Pettigrew that asking for Lily's life is the only way she'll be given a choice, and hence the only way her death will count and keep Harry alive, so that really, Pettigrew saved Harry's life when he was a baby, and in his third year, Harry in fact paid Pettigrew back the life debt he already owed him akgdsiagfs;dbfasldv
8. The final chapter will be called "The Boy-Who-Lived" and will mirror the first one in some way.
9. The necklace is not in Grimmauld Place, nor was it removed by Kreacher or Mundungus Fletcher. It is currently residing around the neck of Mrs Weasley.
10. Draco Malfoy, if he dies, will not die off-screen. Nor will anyone who was present on the first ever train journey.
11. Nagini is not a Horcrux.
12. Ron will make some sort of sacrifice. (*sob*)
13. Harry will get his comeuppance for paying so little attention to his mother.
14. Lucius Malfoy will evade death and imprisonment. He will, however, have his nose rubbed in Arthur Weasley's new-found wealth/status.
15. The Hallows are the relics of the founders, and are connected to the Arthurian Hallows and tarot cards. Zacharias Smith is the Heir of Hufflepuff. 
16. Harry will, at some point in the book, believe that he has to die.
17. Harry will live.


- Hagrid outliving everyone else, as payback to the fandom for continually predicting his death since 2000.
- Someone getting kidnapped by the Death Eaters. And tied to a chair. I don't really care who it is.
- Multi-coloured werewold cubs.
- Some reference to Harry's oedipal complex. To which Ron replies, "Oh, that's all right, mate, I've got one too."
- Some kind of supplementary chapter you can only buy if you're above eighteen which is filled with Harry/Ginny porn.
- Inferi!Lily knocking on the door of number four, Privet Drive. HAI THERE PETUNIA XD
- Harry taking the Dursleys somewhere for safe-keeping. Like Grimmauld Place. Or the Burrow. XDXDXDXDXD
- Draco living. He is just too much fun.
- Fred/Hermione. IT'S CANON, DAMMIT.
- Harry not dying a virgin. Please.

hp: book 7, yeah i'm lame

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