Viewfinder fiction

Jul 05, 2006 15:03

This is chapter 4a of my Viewfinder story. I hope you enjoy it. I tried my best!

Fan fiction for Viewfinder
Pairings: Asami/Takaba, OC/OC
Rating: R
Multi chapters
Warning: bad words, adult situations, character death, love scenes, incest, mpreg, some spoilers, family soap opera^_^
Take note: AU, OC, takes place in the future, slightly science fiction, still in Tokyo, Japan, multiple pov
Disclaimer: Viewfinder is the property of Yamane Ayano

Chapter 4

Reiji gave Teruzane’s shoulder a shake. The other bodyguard’s eyes opened immediately. Reiji handed him a steaming bowl. Teruzane was semi-sprawled on a bamboo chair. He straightened up immediately; his eyes darting on the two figures asleep on the floor; wrapped in blankets.

What’s this? Teruzane eyed the bowl suspiciously, he sniffed it too. “Thom Yam broth with vegetables; Mariko-san made it. She thinks we all need something hot and filling after what happened earlier”, was Reiji’s terse reply.

Teruzane cursed silently, his usually calm face twisting into a grimace. The woman has been Asami-sama’s cook for twenty years. He had always thought she was slightly crazy. What everyone needed right now were triple doses of valium straight up the nose. Nonetheless he started sipping the aromatic liquid; nodding his head in appreciation as spices kicked in.

Reiji sat beside him; he felt liked he aged another ten years. He was sure he looked it too. Both he and Teruzane were surviving on three to four hours of sleep. They haven’t seen their respective families and mistresses in days. They were exhausted.

“Reiji”, the deep and masculine voice interrupted his thoughts. Both he and Teruzane set aside their bowls and stood up as their new leader approached them. “What’s the news on the weapon used to shoot my father?” Asami Ryunosuke, like his father always wanted fast and direct answers.

“The gun came from a buy and sell shop in Korea town, It’ s registered to a man named Park- Jyun-Kee, he was run over by a truck two weeks ago. The shop owner bought it from the man’s nephew. He then sold it to a young man named Thuy Widjoya. Widjoya matches the description of our hit man. He was the one who killed Asami-sama.” Reiji shared the information quietly, his eyes started gleaming dangerously.

“Our man at the crime lab found these markings on him.” He took out a photograph from his breast pocket and handed it to Ryunosuke. The young yakuza lord looked at the picture, his face was expressionless. His voice was calm when he issued the new orders.

Continue looking into Widjoya’s background. I want all available information on my desk by ni
ne o’ clock tomorrow morning. Make sure every man is present in the conference room by 12 noon. Mikuni and Takeshi must communicate with our contacts in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. I want updates on all our current operations every 5 hours. I will not tolerate any delays. Ask Sato to visit Park-Jyun- Kee’s house.

“Yes Asami-sama”, he and Teruzane responded at the same time. Ryunosuke smirked at their response. Reiji started feeling sorry for Park-Jyun-Kee’s relatives, but he quickly banished the thought

“Good evening Asami-sama, Reiji-san, Teruzane-san, we apologize for the interruption.” It was Takeshi, Teruzane’s personal assistant. Takeshi was cultured, well-traveled and educated. He also looked like Kimura Takuya. He was followed by an attaché case bearing Mikuni.

Ryunosuke inclined his head towards the new comers. “We have the things that you requested Asami -sama” was Mikuni’s response to the silent question. He promptly handed the case to Reiji and pulled out an envelope from his jacket pocket, which he politely directed to his boss.

Ryunosuke opened the envelope; inside it were two, oval- shaped, transparent patches and a micro syringe. He carefully closed the envelope again. “Reiji, Teruzane, put Mikuni and Takeshi in charge until tomorrow afternoon, both of you head home and rest for now.” Reiji did not protest at the order.

Ryunosuke addressed the junior assistants; “Teruzane and Reiji have all the necessary information, I’m counting on both of you”. The younger men bowed low as their superiors walked away toward the sleeping figures on the floor.

Ryunosuke went down on his knees and gently rearranged the blankets covering the embracing figures. Reiji and Teruzane hovered behind him, feeling uncertain about the procedure. They knew Takaba -san hated these things. He pulled the blankets down, exposing clasped arms. He opened the envelope and took out the patches and the syringe. He carefully lifted Akihito’s forearm and pasted the patch on it.

The patch immediately glowed as it came into contact with warm skin, then minute coils of light began spreading on the arm. After a minute Ryunosuke activated the syringe, a thin sliver of light appeared and he quickly stabbed Akihito with it twice. He then turned to Akira and performed the same ministrations. The whole process didn’t take more than five minutes.

The patches were electronic tracking devices. It can follow its carrier via GPRS and give information such as location and vital signs. It can be absorbed by the body and not show any side effects. It fed on the body’s energy, ascorbic acid and d-alpha-tocopherols. The syringe contained concentrated amounts of vitamins C and E.

Ryunosuke wanted to make sure that his step-father and little brother were getting their daily dose of anti-oxidants and surveillance. He cautiously untangled the two, making sure that they didn’t wake. He gently lifted Akira in his arms and motioned for Teruzane to do the same to Akihito. Then they made their way up the stairs with their precious burden.

He decided to deposit father and son in his room and on his bed. He then gave final instructions to Teruzane to keep the two under strict guard and surveillance. Then he dismissed Teruzane for the night.

Teruzane sighed with relief as he went down the stairs. A maid met him at the foot of the stairs and told him that his car was ready. He saw Reiji giving final instructions to Mikuni and Takeshi. He couldn’t wait to go to his mistress’ apartment in Shinjuku.

He walked over to them and added Ryunosuke’s final instructions regarding the surveillance. Both Mikuni and Takeshi’s faces fell. Keeping track of Takaba-san was a real pain in the ass. Reiji and Teruzane went into their respective vehicles and the two junior assistants watched them hover and speed away into the darkness.

Ryunosuke had completed undressing Akira and Akihito. He felt the familiar stirrings of lust as he stared at the beautiful naked forms before him. His father must be turning over in his grave. Ryunosuke couldn’t help a tiny chuckle from escaping. He approached the bed and went towards Akihito. He stared at Akihito’s body. It was exactly as he had remembered it years ago.

Akihito was still very beautiful. Now, he perfectly understood his father’s obsession and jealous possessiveness over this one; soft flawless skin over a taut, slender body; the perfectly rounded ass which would fit his hand; legs that went on forever; a gracefully, arched neck, the sweet, rebellious mouth. His hand traveled from Akihito’s cheek; down to the chest were he gently caressed a nipple until it puckered into life. Akihito gave a little moan. He thought he heard his father’s name. Time had been very good to Akihito.

He had called Akihito a whore the first time they met.

Years ago, when they had just moved into this house, he had seen Akihito and his father making love in the pool house. It had been around two am and he just came home from a night of partying with his high school friends. He didn’t feel sleepy so he decided to do some laps in the pool. The memory was as clear as if it had just happened yesterday.

Akihito and his father were lying on the hydrobed, naked and uncaring to whoever might walk in. Their deliciously tangled limbs entwined in a rhythmic embrace that bordered on violence. His father’s face bore the look of a man possessed; his body thrusting into Akihito mercilessly; his arms supporting and surrounding the slender frame that welcomed him with wild abandon.

Akihito’s response was exquisite, he moaned Asami’s name over and over again, his hips lifting up and meeting each thrust with equal intensity; as his hands explored and caressed the powerful back; his legs were wrapped tightly around Asami’s waist; ardent lips and tongue sucking and licking the sweat that slid down Asami’s neck and shoulders.

The sex seemed to go on forever. Akihito writhed and moaned beneath his father; demanding more; Asami had been more that happy to comply, he increased the pace of his pounding and he took Akihito’s cock in his hands and began pumping it in rhythm with his thrusts. Akihito’s body quivered like an overstretched bow, he looked like he was about to break into pieces. He came with a scream. His father continued thrusting for several more minutes until his body convulsed and he released himself into Akihito’s body. They lay unmoving for a while, their harsh breathing the only sound heard in the pool house.

Ryunosuke thought it was over, he was down on his knees, breathing hard, his left hand covering his mouth, his right hand inside his swimming trunks sticky and wet. He climaxed at the same moment his father did. But the lovemaking was far from over, his father did not pull out from Akihito, instead their mouths met in a tender and passionate kiss. Akihito embraced Asami tightly with his arms and legs, allowing the larger body to sink deeply into his.

When their mouths parted to catch their breath, Akihito peppered Asami’s face with playful kisses, his face breaking into a teasing smile. He whispered something in Asami’s ear. His father started chuckling, mouth curving into an arrogant smirk. Suddenly he changed their position. Asami gripped Akihito’s hips tightly, making sure they remained fused then he turned over and lay on his back, letting Akihito straddle him. Akihito’s whimper sent shivers down his spine.

Akihito leaned over his father, his hands braced on the powerful chest; slender thighs grasping his father’s flanks. He started riding Asami.

He had been transfixed by the sight. He couldn’t move and he just kept watching. Arousal washed over him like a wave; heating his blood and causing his sex to harden for the second time. He had felt overwhelmingly embarrassed; and a little awed he had to admit. The scene was heart stoppingly erotic.

Another scream rent the air as Akihito climaxed again. He was even more beautiful the second time. This time he could see more of Akihito’s body; the delicate throat, the arched back, pink nipples hard and glistening in the harsh light, it was truly a feast for the eyes. Like the first time, he climaxed when his father did. His body felt drained and limp from the intense satisfaction. He dragged himself behind one of the dressing screens, sitting on the floor and trying to breathe normally. Never in his life; not since he was five years old did he have this mind bending desire to be in his father’s shoes.

It wasn’t as if he didn’t have any experience with men, in fact he always had a male and female companion ready to meet his sexual needs. His father made sure he knew what sex was all about; and at the age of seventeen he had his own share of conquests. He was confused by the feelings that his father’s lover had brought to life in him.

He was so lost in thought that he didn’t feel his father approach and sit down beside him. He nearly jumped out of his skin. His father looked at him, one eye brow raised. He was naked and he held a towel in one hand. Ryunosuke had been speechless and frightened.

Asami casually lighted two sticks of cigarettes and handed him one. He took it and they smoked in silence for a couple of minutes. Then Asami grabbed his right arm and twisted it. His eyes were narrowed into slits and they flashed with severe annoyance and jealousy. Ryunosuke cried out in pain and surprise. His father’s voice was low and soft when he threatened to beat the shit out of him if he ever caught him watching them again.

Asami’s reaction had startled him then, but now in hindsight it was just like his father to act that way. Asami Ryuichi was a possessive bastard, what belonged to him remained with him till the end. He made it clear to Ryunosuke that Akihito was his, and even though Ryunosuke was his son and heir he would not tolerate any overstepping of boundaries regarding what belonged to him and what he allowed his son to have. Ryunosuke realized, that in that regard he was no different from Akihito. Asami Ryuichi controlled and owned them both.

Akihito and Akira loved Asami Ryuichi blindly. They will track and bring down whoever killed him. Especially Akihito, he was a lost cause, his step-father would not think twice of throwing his life away now that his Asami was gone. Hence he had immediately ordered the patches and twenty four hour surveillance. Once the shock and emotional distress has worn off, the two would be hot on the trail of the murderers. Together they would be unstoppable.

He gently ruffled Akihito’s hair and moved towards Akira; his beautiful and cute Akira. His devoted lover and brother, they had parted seven years ago, but his feelings for the younger man had never changed. He loved and desired him more than ever. He knew Akira felt the same way about him. The feelings of mixed happiness, lust, possessiveness and protectiveness welling up in him felt wonderfully familiar. He would never let him go back to England.

Tomorrow evening he would be meeting with his lawyers for the reading of his father’s will, it was the last official step, then everything that belonged to his father would be his. He ran a fingertip lightly over Akira’s lips. He had been the victor over this one years ago. His gaze shifted to Akihito and he couldn’t help but smile. He was a different story from Akira. He knew he didn’t love Akihito but the constant challenge the other man posed was enough to pique his interest. Maybe his step-father wasn’t such a lost cause after all. His smile turned into a full-blown smirk. He did enjoy challenges, especially ones marked as lost causes. Besides he was exactly like his father, a greedy and possessive bastard. He wanted to make sure that what Asami Ryuichi owned he also owned, and more.

He stared at the two on his bed and decided he liked the way they looked on it. First he was going to take a shower then he was going to bed with his little brother and step-father. Tomorrow would be another day.

Chapter 4A end
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