More Chapters from my story

Jun 23, 2006 17:11

This the second and third chapter of my viewfinder story chapter of the story.
I hope its not too confusing. Comments on how to make it better are really needed^_^

Chapter 2 and 3
Ratings; R-NC-17
Pairing:Asami/ Takaba, OC/OC
Warnings: Adult situations,mpreg,strong language, spoilers for the series
Disclaimers: They all belong to Yamane-sensei

Fanfiction for Viewfinder
Pairings: Asami/Takaba, OC/OC
Rating: R- NC- 17
Multi chapters
Warning: bad words, adult situations, character death, love scenes, incest, mpreg, some spoilers, family soap opera^_^
Take note: AU, OC, takes place in the future, slightly science fiction, still in Tokyo, Japan, multiple pov
Disclaimer: Viewfinder is the property of Yamane Ayano

Chapter 2

“ A.T. Akira-san, please proceed to the VIP lounge”

“ A.T. Akira -san, Please proceed to the VIP lounge”

The female, mechanical voice calling his name soothed his frayed nerves. He was tempted to sit in the waiting area for a little while just to hear his name being called again. But his luggage and other personal belongings were arriving. It was being delivered by a blue, “AiportAndy”.

The “Andy” stood patiently as Akira swiped his ID in the robot’s “mouth”. Two soft beeps confirmed that the suitcases were his. The “Andy” placed his bags on the floor. Its eyes flashing ‘Thank you’ and ‘welcome’ in four different languages as it backed away from him. He picked them up slowly.

Akira walked quickly towards the VIP lounge, unmindful of the stares and gasps that he drew from the people around him. An “AirportAnne” blocked his path and started offering him complimentary cookies and soda. He took a packet of chocolate cookies. This seemed to make the “Anne” happy. He increased his speed, his vision suddenly blurring. He could feel his breath catch in his throat as tears began welling up in his eyes. His chest felt like it was being crushed.

He was back in Tokyo.

One of his fathers, Asami Ryuichi died three days ago.

He turned twenty-two on the day of his father’s death.

He was a day late for the burial.

He wasn’t able to say goodbye.

Akira saw Reiji’s and Teruzane’s familiar figures through his tears. The sight of two of his father’s most trusted men nearly made him lose control. He looked at them bravely, eyes defiant though swimming with tears. He gave his two former babysitters his brightest and wettest smile.

Teruzane lost it. The teary smile brought him down. He was the last man standing. The only one who refused to shed tears for his former master, claiming that Asami- sama would find it unacceptable and disturbing. But the sight of his Nyanko-chan’s face broke the barrier. He felt like a dam had burst inside him. He clutched his face and started bawling.

Everyone in the lounge was too shocked to move or say anything. Teruzane was six feet and four inches of muscle and power, yet he was crying like a child. Akira ran towards Teruzane. Reiji took both of them in his arms and tried to exit with as much dignity as he could muster. The “Andies and Annes” beeped, whirred and flashed after them.

The ride to his house was calmer. Reiji had managed to calm Teruzane by slapping him twice and forcing some brandy down his throat. The limousine was new and unfamiliar. The three of them were quiet for awhile until Reiji started giving him the details.

Akira nearly choked on his gin and cookies when he found out that his father was buried in their backyard.

“My father, Akihito, how is…. Reiji cut him off immediately.

“Please don’t be shocked when you see Takaba-san, Nyan-chan. He has not slept since Asami-sama passed away. He has barely eaten anything. Ryunosuke -sama was with him when we left to pick you up. They were going over your father’s belongings. Reiji voice was tired and defeated.”

Both his fathers had visited him at Oxford University two months ago. He and Akihito had spent a week laughing and enjoying as they explored the place. He could not picture the Akihito that Reiji described.

He had not seen Ryunosuke in seven years.

He was on the verge of asking the question, when Teruzane intercepted coldly. His voice had become expressionless.

“Asami-sama was shot twice; in the stomach and chest. He was walking out of the club with Takaba-san. Then this kid passes by and shoots him in broad daylight. I ran after the hit man and took him down, Nyan-Ko. I put five bullets in him; one for you, one for Takaba-san, one for Ryunosuke-sama and one for me. The last one was for Asami-sama. We drove your father to Tokyo General as fast as we could. But it was too late, he bled inside. He died in Takaba-san’s arms. We still don’t know who put your father out for a contract.

For the third time in his twenty-two years, Akira felt his heart break into a thousand pieces.

He decided to sit between Reiji and Teruzane. The three of them held hands.


It was already eight thirty pm, but the three of them knew that the day was far from over.

Asami Ryunosuke watched as his limousine pulled into the driveway, the car’s headlights illuminating the three people that stepped out from it. His father’s death had ended and taken things away from him. But in a way, it was also a new beginning. He sipped his bourbon carefully, his lips forming into a familiar smirk.

He saw a framed photo of his father lying on his desk. Takaba had taken the picture two years ago. He raised his glass to the picture, giving his father a mocking smile.
Akira had finally returned to him.

End of Chapter 2

Fanfiction for Viewfinder
Pairings: Asami/Takaba, OC/OC
Rating: R- NC17
Multi chapters
Warning: bad words, adult situations, character death, love scenes, incest, mpreg, some spoilers, family soap opera^_^
Take note: AU, OC, takes place in the future, slightly science fiction, still in Tokyo, Japan, multiple pov
Disclaimer: Viewfinder is the property of Yamane Ayano

Chapter 3

Akihito was startled out of his thoughts when he heard a car pull into the driveway. He walked towards the front door, wanting to know who the visitor was. He was not in the frame of mind to greet and receive another well-wisher. He had spent the last 3 hours going over Asami’s personal belongings with Ryunosuke. Asami’s son was not one of his favorite people to say the least. That same feeling was mutually reciprocated by Ryunosuke. An uneasy truce had been silently declared because of Asami’s death.

He could hear Reiji’s voice on the other side. He sounded like he was comforting someone. Akihito opened the door with trembling hands. He wanted to kick himself. He couldn’t believe that he had forgotten that Akira was arriving from England tonight.

He threw the door open.

All three looked at him. He stood at the entrance holding onto the doorframe. He knew exactly what was going on. He held out his hand to Akira. His son looked at him with panic-stricken eyes. Akira’s slender frame started to tremble violently as he began backing away from the entrance.

Father and son began screaming at each other.

Ryunosuke just ended his conversation with Adolph Muller, his contact in Berlin when he heard the screams. He immediately replaced the phone, pressed a button on his desk to call his men and grabbed his gun.

“I will not go into the house”! Akira shouted angrily at Akihito. He knew that he wasn’t being reasonable, but his father was dead. That fact was more incomprehensible than anything he had encountered in his life. Entering the house would make it real. He could not accept it.

Your father is dead! Asami is dead! Do you hear me? Akihito screamed back. He was ranting like a possessed man. He knew was hurting Akira but he didn’t care. The last three days had been hell. His son had it coming for not being there.

Stop it! Stop it! Damn you! Damn you Akihito! Akira looked liked he was going crazy. Tears streamed from his eyes uncontrollably.

“Where the hell were you? Did you forget how to read or use the phone? The burial was yesterday! Your father was buried yesterday! Did you have another piece to write for that fancy newspaper of yours? Couldn’t miss a deadline to attend your father’s burial?” Akihito couldn’t stop the words from coming. His tone dripped with sarcasm. Grief and anger raged in his chest. He too had tears streaming down his cheeks. This was the first time he had cried in three days.

Fuck you Akihito! You have no right to say this to me! I came as fast as I could! Fuck you to hell! His voice had become hoarse from screaming. Guilt ripped through him and tore him to pieces.

“Both of you will stop it this instant!” Ryunosuke’s voice thundered from the stairs. Akira stopped his tirade. Akihito looked at him and saw the gun. He felt something inside him shatter. He turned to Ryunosuke and started eviscerating the man with his words.

Shut up! This none of your business you arrogant swine! What are you going to do shoot all of us? You useless piece of shit! You couldn’t even do anything to save your own father! Where the fuck where you when he was shot? Akihito knew that he was out of line. Whatever truce he and Ryunosuke had did not exist anymore. The man turned white and he had a wild, feral look in his eyes.

Takaba-san, stop please! Reiji’s face mirrored his desperation. Teruzane was on his knees.

Don’t tell me to stop! What the hell do you know? What do all of you fucking know? I held him as he bled to death. I held him as he died! Akihito choked; a piercing scream came out from him. He fell on the floor and tried to roll himself into a ball. Teruzane rushed to his side.

Ryunosuke stood frozen at the foot of the stairs.

Akira stared at his father and fell on his knees. He had no strength left. His whole body felt like a boneless mass. He crawled towards Akihito’s shaking form, finally entering the house. He reached for Akihito and lay down beside him. They put their arms around each other and cried for Asami.

End of Chapter 3

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