a retelling of Beauty and the Beast VF)

May 27, 2006 16:50

I've been thinking about it for awhile. if VF was a fairytale, it would certainly be derived from Beauty and the Beast. Asami is certainly the quintesential Beast and the delicate Akihito our rebelious Beauty. Asami for all his power, influence and wealth is certainly in need of rescuing from his violent world and the nature of his own heart. Akihito much like beauty is thrown unwilling into the frey due to circumstances which he could not control. Akihito now faces the double task of saving himself from the beast and ensuring a happy ending for both of them From there, we see the struggle between good and evil unfold within the characters conflicting emotions and beliefs but also as outside forces threaten the little world they have built around themselves. The stories share several similaritiess, not only in the case of the characters but also on some of the events which take place in the VF storyline. Hahaha1 I must be getting addicted to VF. I'm now making connections with fairytales.

more thoughts next time. I"m horrendously exhausted from work.
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