In which I thought the full moon was yesterday

Sep 25, 2010 01:09

While on work, I tweeted from my phone about a story I wished to tell. This is that story.

This woman came in and got a bunch of groceries. She tried to write a check. Her check was denied. This is a thing that happens infrequently; either the person will pay some other way, or they'll make a sadface and we put all their stuff back after they awkwardly leave. Not this woman, though! She insisted on calling Telecheck and demanding to know why we wouldn't accept her check. This was around 8:30, and by 9:30 she was still at the service desk on the phone with Telecheck, I assume arguing and making a general nuisance of herself.

BUT IT GETS BETTER. She finally gets off the phone and it turns out that she has an unpaid returned check or something, I don't even know. So we can't take her check and she doesn't have another way of paying, so she insists that she'll come back tomorrow to get her groceries and pay for them. That would be fine and good, except that during the hour she ate random bits of about six different food items in her unpaidfor order. We check with the on-duty manager and he kind of facepalms but says okay, whatever, we'll just take the loss if we have to.

The cherry on the cake: Even after all this is settled, she doesn't actually leave. Instead she wanders off and picks up two rotisserie chickens from the deli, then writes a CHECK for it and LEAVES IT AT THE SERVICE DESK. The manager sees this and is just like "what the fuck is this woman doing." He intercepts her before she can leave and displays his usual incredible saint-like patience, gets all her info on the check and just lets it go. But I mean like... what the hell, man. Who leaves a check at the (closed) service desk? After you've just been told that we will not accept your checks? What the hell?!


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