The first thing that out and out scared me while playing Bioshock was not the game itself, but my cat suddenly jumping on my lap while I played it in the dark. D:
chisotahn, I don't know how I missed your call yesterday. Sorry? :( The Dawn of the New World strategy guide is about as good as the Vesperia guide, in that it tells you where to go and not much else. Luckily Kouli has a sidequest guide for DotNW as well, and the two together have served me fine. Of course this information is USELESS to you now, haha, gg me.
frigoris requested a Christmas wishlist for some reason, so I'll put it behind a cut:
-- I have a tiny game wishlist on my
Backloggery, a lot of it is upcoming stuff or import Tales games tho. I'll try to add more to that.
-- Time cards for World of Warcraft.
-- Wii point cards; there are a couple games I'd like to get, like Lost Winds, but I really shouldn't be irresponsible about charging things left and right.
-- Microsoft Point cards are also appreciated, though I actually have some points right now and there's nothing I can think of that I really need.
-- Jack Johnson CDs, or iTunes gift cards so I can get them off iTunes. I don't have any of them yet even though he's one of my favorite artists. :( Also I really want Sara Bareilles's CD. (Listening to Pandora is bad when you don't have money, because you end up with lots of music you want to buy. Wehhh.)
-- Books are always appreciated! I like Japanese authors, stuff with a Japanese flair (preferably if they have their facts straight, though it's funny to laugh when they get it wrong), or fantasy (dragons are a plus, lol most nerdy).
-- 4Koma Kings! Tales of Symphonia (I have the first one), Tales of the Abyss, or Persona 3 (which I've only ever seen on Ebay but I WANT LIKE BURNING). I really love 4koma even though they're really hard to translate sometimes. :(
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann goghevivive. That figure rules.
Hopefully that helps? My posting this TOTALLY doesn't mean I'm asking for anything from anyone, but it was requested so there you go. Hell, I'd be most happy getting fanfiction written for me or something, especially since that's what I'll most likely be doing myself.