In which there is a tiny Tales linkspam

Oct 07, 2008 21:29

No Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for you, PS2! Uh, thanks Kotaku? Now how is this news exactly? That's like saying, "Oh sorry, we won't be making a Commodore 64 version of Rock Band."

Justify Your Game: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Honestly, making "the best RPG for the Wii" is not that difficult considering the competition atm.

New US cover art for Dawn of the New World. I like it! The old mock-up (based on the Japanese art) was too white I thought.

(....I just typoed "art" as "arte." TOO MUCH TALES OF LATELY.)

We're up to what? Five groups subbing the Abyss anime now? I've been downloading them all in hopes that one of them will strike a good balance between awesome and horrible (which, with fansub groups nowadays, seems to be the best you can hope for). I'd been really looking forward to the Abyssal Chronicles version... and then I saw this. Why would you do that?! In what remote fucking part of the universe is that even acceptable?! It covers a third of the fucking screen!

Anyway, I'm hoping that at least one of these groups ends up being respectable. Otherwise I'll just keep watching the raws only, because screw it.

dawn of the new world, tales of the abyss

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