In which I am amused by my workplace

Nov 09, 2007 20:07

My coworker David and I have determined that the coffee shop where we work is actually the site of a hidden camera game show, in which you have to attempt to run a coffee shop but there are always five or six things missing, like green tea or half & half or white chocolate. Man what a great place to work.

In the past couple of days, I managed to get the highest rank in both Ouendan and Ouendan 2 (Ouendan required 60 million cumulative points and Ouendan 2 required 100 million). In both games, I got a picture for my efforts. That sure was worth it!! -_- Whether I'll actually be able to accomplish this feat in Elite Beat Agents is yet to be seen, since I suck royally at that game for reasons I cannot understand.

work, ouendan, gamerlamer

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