Title: Requiem of the Rising Tide (7/?)
akiryuPairing[s]: Aki/Mizuki, Aki/??, other pairings later.
Band[s]: Sadie, Mucc, alice nine, maybe others later on.
Rating: PG-13 this time.
Synopsis: Band practice finishes and there is a date?
Disclaimer: Obviously, I own nobody.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6(
Chapter 7 )
I'm so happy!!
I loved so many things about this cap. too <33
Thank you for posting so quickly!!
He's starting to being more conscious about what he's feeling for Aki, i guess.
When they go out in the rain too! ( it's the second time, right? ^^)
Aki really likes rain, isn't?
Btw, did you meant Mizuki in Hizumi's part? :3
Mizuki in Hizumi's part?
I didn't meant something bad (>_<)
Was asking about this part:
"Grumbling, Aki had always been the type of person that disliked close contact with people; and the exceptions were rare. Now simply felt like a bad time; Hizumi smiled shyly at him,"
You wrote Hizumi! X3
Haha I didn't mean to! And totally didn't notice(I meant to put Hiroto, of course). Fixed it. Thanks <3.
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