Oh there are no cats in America, and the streets are paved with cheese!!

Feb 09, 2006 18:44

I majorly have that song stuck in my head. lol. I haven't seen that movie in centuries.

So I was very sick today, and I stayed home from biology. I slept in until 10:00 --very very late for me.

Tonight I'm going to farmers market with laura, because she invited me, and because I'm out of food.
Then we have to home home and do our sign language homework.

Next weekend laura and I and the EMT group she belongs to are going skiing! Yay! I've never been before, and at least I'll be with a bunch of EMTs. :p
My mom is paying for it as my birthday present. It's discounted a lot, because they had a budget, but it will still cost her a bit.
I'm excited for it, even though everone will get to witness my bad coordination. haha
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