Quiet Life

Jan 02, 2017 13:54

Today I am doing a bit of housekeeping, mostly of the non-literal sort. Little projects I meant to take care of sooner, but didn't, like getting all the photos from the Paris trip copied onto my hard drive -- more of a chore than I'd hoped because for some reason my card reader at home refuses to read one of my two SD cards without formatting it first, and as you can imagine, I'm not loving the idea of formatting a card full of photos, even if most of them are backed up on my laptop. So instead I'm using my laptop to transfer the photos to a known USB drive and porting them over that way. I would just send them over the house network, but for some reason the network won't let my laptop access my desktop and my support guy is still asleep. Oh, woe, the complications of modern life. I'm sure someone will chime in to explain how none of this would ever ever happen if I used Apple systems but 1) I don't actually believe that and 2)bite me.

All of this project was precipitated by my getting a mug of tea earlier and being reminded that I wanted to take a picture of my Whitechapel Bell Foundry mug next to my Bofors 350th Anniversary mug, in commemoration of the sad shut down of Britain's oldest operating manufacturing business, and still hadn't done that, and so I got the mugs out and took the pictures, only to discover that I had managed to grab the wrong Nikon and so my card reader wouldn't read the card in question, because see previous paragraph. Quite a lot of bother just to be able to post a picture to Facebook. On the other hand, I've been wanting to make sure my vacation photos are properly backed up and that SD card formatted to use, so it's all stuff wot needed doin'.

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