hey everyone!!! i know i haven't written (an actual post) for some time... but that's because i've been lazy! ^_^;
yeah, cuz i haven't had homework for over 2 weeks now, so i just enter the LJ to see the my friends page and watch you.. (hehehehe), especially to see the newest icon tutorials and see what can i do =P
so anyway..i'm thinking of changing my layout theme, maybe i'll join
freelayouts...and most probably i'm gonna have to change from S2 to S1, but i dunno if that's a good idea =S...
anyone here has done that??? , anyone here has S1??...so i can know how good/bad is it
also, i want to change my mood theme to the Yuugiou! one's i've seen...but umm...i need to know who they belong to ^^U so i can ask permission to snag them U.U...and that's a difficult work *sigh*
well this is it for today!!!
**waves good-bye**
Matta Ne!!!