[Fic] Newness Part1

Dec 08, 2018 07:08

Title: Newness
Pairing: Akame + JinxMeisaxKame
Rating: NC-17
Warning: shameless PWP Smut (yaoi & het)
Summary: Meisa asks for a threesome. They got Kame. Where will this lead?
A/N: Birthday fic is late lol. I feel really good about this fic. Please leave this old lady some love down in the comments!

Jin loves being married to Meisa.

She’s everything he dreamt of and more.

Being with her makes those 5 amazing years pass by like a blur.

He sighs in contentment-gazing lovingly at his sleeping wife.

With careful motions, he slipped his arm away from her head, tiptoed out of the bed and into the kitchen. He ducks and checks what’s inside the fridge and gathered some ingredients he needed to make breakfast. He mentally notes they have to do some grocery shopping later.

It’s not everyday he gets to make something for his wife. Often times, it’ll be the other way around since he’s always in a rush to get to work. He specifically set his alarm today so he can wake up earlier than she does and surprise her with some breakfast in bed.

With a wide grin, he started cooking. He never thought getting married can make him feel this blissful. Sure there are fights here and there but he never was the man to dwell on bad moments.

He was humming happily when slim familiar arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him from the back. “What are you up to so early, babe?” came the sleepy voice.

He was startled and somehow disappointed that Meisa had woken up even before he’s made the breakfast ready. Now it won’t be breakfast in bed-he sulked internally. “I felt you leaving the bed and at first I thought you were just going to the bathroom but then I smelled something weird.” That sentence ended with his wife’s soft laughter. Jin dropped the spatula and faced her. “I’m trying, alright?” he pouted.

Meisa laughed even more. “I’m joking! It smells amazing. I bet it’ll be the best scrambled eggs I’ve ever tasted in my entire life.” And continued, “I feel so honoured getting to eat it at least once a year!” she teased him some more and just then did Jin realize that he only cooks for her on their anniversary. Silently, he cursed at himself.

Meisa let him go and walked towards the table, settled herself there. “Now you better get that out of the pan if we’re still planning to eat that.” She couldn’t stop laughing especially when she saw Jin’s panicked face.

Fortunately for the man, it didn’t burn-mostly. As soon as he put it on the table, Meisa started digging in, making satisfied sounds even though Jin knows she’s faking it. “That bad, huh?” In the 5 years he’s made this dish, he knew the more exaggerated Meisa’s sounds are, the worse the food tastes.

She leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, “I wouldn’t trade this for the world.” She whispered, her face still close to her husband’s. “Happy anniversary, babe.” And they kissed again.

After breakfast, they took a bath together. Just bath-ordinary back scrubbing, shampooing each other’s hair bath-because according to Meisa, she’s got something planned for tonight. Jin prods her, but she wouldn’t tell him her plans.

“What time are you getting off work, babe?” Meisa asks.

“I’ll be in and out, maybe two hours tops. I specifically told them not to schedule anything today. I just have to go there to sort some documents and I’m free to go, okay? I’ll pick you up at the store later. I’ll make reservations for dinner.” Jin says as he works on his tie.

Meisa turns around, her button down shirt still undone. “Actually… I was thinking…” she trailed off. “that we can maybe skip dinner and head to the club?” Jin just gave her an incredulous look. “It’s been a while since we went and I just really want to party tonight and maybe have a very drunken sex in a bathroom stall or alley somewhere..” her slim fingers trail over Jin’s clothed chest.

Jin licked his lips. “Is that really what you want to do for our anniversary?”

The corner of Meisa’s lips crooked in a familiar smile and Jin knows his wife has other things in mind. “Well.. if I tell you what it is that I want, will you grant it?” Jin gulped. This won’t be simple. “I guess it depends..” his voice was low, partially due to Meisa unbuckling his belt. “Baby I really have to get going..” he reminded her.

Meisa just smirked. “I want a threesome, babe.” And she squeezes his cloth-clad erection softly.

Jin just looked at her. If there’s one thing he missed out on saying about his wife-it’s this. This is what he meant when he said more. Although this is not the first time for Meisa to ask for such arrangements, they have only done it twice or maybe thrice? Jin’s mind is too clouded to even think straight. He also felt disappointed that Meisa wants another person on their bed on their anniversary.

“You know I hate sharing you.” And it’s true. The times when he did agree on sharing her, it was tough on him. It’s not that he didn’t like threesomes; he just really hates sharing Meisa with someone else. Be it a man or a woman. And yes, they have tried both.

Meisa started placing soft kisses around his neck and Jin knew this is her way of convincing him. “I never said you were going to share me.” She whispered and Jin is now confused. She pulled away and dropped to her knees, her fingers swiftly undoing Jin’s fly. “It’s not going to be about me this time.” She palms his erection through his underwear.

“What are you -ah-saying?” his breathing hitched as his wife licked his length over his underwear, all the while keeping her eyes locked on his.

“This time I want you to try something new.” The suspense is killing Jin. And the waiting is killing him too. Why won’t Meisa take him in her mouth already?

“How do you feel about fucking another guy?” Jin’s eyes widened and as if on cue, Meisa took his whole length.

“Ah-wait, what?” was all he could muster to say. Him? Fuck another guy? What?

Meisa’s head bobs up and down, her eyes locked with his. Jin-- in this very vulnerable state- could only stare back at his wife. “Meisa I don’t-“ she held his balls firmly and his breathing staggered. She lets go of his cock, replacing her mouth with her hand. “It’d be fun, baby.” She whispered against his throbbing member. “I’ll be with you, of course. I want you to try this with me.” She stroked him faster.

Jin-although wanting to argue on this-could not even form a coherent sentence. “Isn’t there anything else?” he wishes his wife would just drop this topic and let him come.

Meisa shook her head. “I really want this. I promise… it’ll be amazing for you.” She licks the precum off his tip and glides her parted lips along his length, she sticks her tongue out every now and then. “Please, baby.” And she takes him in again, this time deeper-his tip hitting the back of her throat.

Jin is nearing and Meisa could tell. She whimpered with his cock still inside her mouth and the vibration caused Jin to throw his head back. Meisa slows down and Jin knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s going to hold this off until he agrees. So with desperation and him being in dire need of release he growls, “Alright, I’ll do it.” And Meisa’s eyes reflected her delight. She sucked him faster, her hands joining her mouth and all this just feels so incredible for Jin. He slams his right hand against the wall and gives out a low growl as he cums inside her mouth-shooting his hot liquid down her throat.

Jin leans and rests his head on his now bended arm and with one final lick, Meisa lets his member go-wiping off the cum the dripped on her chin. She stands up, fixing Jin’s underwear and slacks and buckling his belt. “Off to work now~” she places a chaste kiss on his lips and skips to the bathroom, leaving Jin so spent.
Jin has never had any fantasies about men before. Sure, way back in college, while he was out clubbing, some would try to hit on him, but he was never really interested. He’s not homophobic in any way… but if there’s one thing he knew that he was so sure of was his love for women.

He had his fair share of flings and one night stands. He was considered a playboy back in the days that on the night before his wedding, his bestfriends Pi and Ryo celebrated so much because they can finally have the girls Jin was hogging all the time.

Meisa had tamed him. Meisa is all he ever wanted.

Their relationship started off really normal. He had no idea that Meisa even has certain preferences and would come up with ideas that totally blow off his mind at times. Three months into the relationship, Meisa came clean to him and honestly, it didn’t seem odd to Jin. In fact he was even so horny that night when he dared Meisa to tell him about every single thing she’s done with her partners before.  They had some rough sex that night.

Meisa told him how liberating it is for him to finally know. Soon enough, she asked him if he’s willing to give it a try as well. Jin shrugged. Why the hell not, right?

Things were simple at first. They did some really kinky things, had sex in public, role-played and all. It was such an eye-opener for Jin. He has had a lot of sexual partners in the past but he never knew there could be more to sex than just plain old vanilla.

2 years into their marriage when Meisa asked for their first try in threesome. Jin knew it wasn’t Meisa’s first, as she was guiding him the whole time. There was another girl-a foreign friend of hers. Although nervous, Jin couldn’t deny how horny he got about fucking a foreign girl. He was clumsy at first-totally overwhelmed. He then cursed at himself for not thinking of this years ago when he wasn’t as committed. Maybe then, it would be more enjoyable for him.

Jin liked it. He liked having two mouths on him at once. He liked how they seem to be competing for his cock. He liked the feeling of that foreign girl riding him while Meisa’s sitting on his face and him fucking her with his tongue.

It was also amazing to see Meisa making out with another girl. Damn- they did more than making out. Jin was catching his breath, sprawled on the bed when he caught glimpse of Meisa and that foreign girl-scissoring each other.

Jin’s pants felt tight as he recalled that image.

The second time Meisa asked for a threesome wasn’t that enjoyable for Jin. Meisa apparently met this lad when she was working out. In the heat of the moment, the stupid dude told Meisa that he’s been checking her out ever since he first saw her. That elicited a loud growl from Jin and he slammed so hard on her that she accidentally closed her teeth around the other guy’s cock. Jin smirked at that and Meisa looked at him knowingly.

He hated that guy. He hated how he had to compete for his own wife. But the look on Meisa’s face soothed him. That pleasure-stricken face and those parted full lips screaming in ecstasy as they both rammed into her-it was enough for him to endure the other’s man presence for the whole night. But he literally kicked him out when he made an attempt of sleeping over. Meisa’s laughter echoed from their bedroom and he made her promise that she won’t be coming back to that gym.

But this one-this one Meisa had asked so leisurely while she was pleasuring him-one that he’s agreed to out of pure frustration over his release. He’s just not that sure he can pull this off without freaking out.

Sex with another guy?

He had never even thought of the possibility!

And now it’s presented to him. By his wife.


“I’m really excited.” Meisa clasped her hand and looked at her husband who is stiff behind the wheels. “Baby, are you nervous?” she asked teasingly.

“Of course not.” Fuck yeah.

“I hope you’re not totally grossed out about this. We can totally pick out someone who’s not too masculine looking so it won’t be too awkward for you.” Jin sighed, as if that’s gonna make it better.

The drive going to the club felt like ages. Meisa was talking about an upcoming collaboration with a friend who’s in Milan. Jin tried to listen as much as he could but he could never fully pay attention. It’s the first time Meisa’s request bothered him this much.

They arrived in the club a little past 9, a little too early even for them so they settled on the stools by the bar. They decided to totally skip dinner since Meisa got off late and she’s too excited about this and decided she didn’t want to wait any longer.

“We’ll fish here.” She whispered to him. Jin just gave a small nod as he sipped his liquor.

“I don’t even know what I’m looking for.” Jin admitted.

Meisa grinned at his words. “Just look for someone that attracts you. I see a lot of petite guys on the dance floor. Scan around, baby.” And that he did.

Meisa was right, there was a lot of girly-looking guys engaged in sexy dancing-almost dry humping- on the dance floor. But his eyes landed on this one guy in particular, swaying his hips to the beat of the sensual beat of the music. For a while there, Jin thought he’s a woman-until the person mentioned turned to his side and he saw his flat chest.

Jin guiltily roamed his eyes all over that man’s petite frame. His copper-colored hair thin on the edges- layered and ending by the nape of his neck. Slim arms, tiny waist and ridiculously rounded ass. Damn- he’d tap that.

Jin choked upon realizing his own thoughts.

Did he honestly just think of tapping that?

That man’s ass?

Meisa laughed at him. “Im sure we were eyeing the same person.” And they both shifted their attention back to the man in sight.

By the rate of how things are going right now, Jin’s pretty sure he’d be doing more than tapping that ass tonight.

“You wanna try him, baby?” Meisa asked, her voice already laced with desire.

Jin didn’t answer that question directly. He turned to her and asked, “How do we even get him to come with us?”

“Just go over there and dance with him. I’m pretty sure he’d be more than willing.”

“And then what? Ask him if he wants to have threesome with me and my wife?” Jin rolled his eyes. This is such a stupid idea and he’s rather be doing something else entirely on their anniversary night than fishing for some man to bring back to their bed.

“Well… Yup?” was Meisa’s swift reply. “Baby, this is a club. You know how things work here. You know most of them- if not everyone- is here looking to get laid. Now just go over there and do your thing and I’ll be here waiting.” Meisa urged him.

Jin got off his seat, heart thumping so loudly against his chest. He sipped his drink one last time before making his way to where the man is.

If somebody told Jin years ago that he’d be out fishing for a man to fuck while he’s happily married, he’d be laughing his ass off.

But now, here he is..

Circling his arm on the curve of the man’s waist, he leaned in to whisper, “Spare me a dance?”

The figure froze with his touch only to recover seconds later. He turned to face Jin and their eyes met. Amidst the darkness, glistening chocolate orbs met his gaze  and Jin was lost immediately. His eyes fell to the man’s well defined nose down to his pouty lips.

He looks feminine, alright. But Jin surely feels firm muscles on his body as his hand roam along the smaller man’s back.

“About damn time.” He heard the man say and Jin’s brows furrowed. What does that mean? “You’ve been checking me out for some time now I was beginning to think you’d never had the guts to come over.” The man said. “I’m Kame. Kamenashi Kazuya.” He introduced himself as he snaked his arm around Jin’s neck.

Jin is just so thankful that they chose to fish here. Thankful that the loud music and dim lights are masking the loud thumping of his heartbeat and his somewhat shaky hands. “I’m Jin.” He said simply.

Kame then, as he introduced himself, resumed dancing to the beat- not once leaving Jin’s gaze.

Jin gulped and searched for Meisa’s eyes. She’s looking over at him, quite proudly- he might say- as she raises her glass, urging him to continue.

Jin felt Kame grind his hips against his, seemingly noticing that his attention is not on him. “Dance with me, Jin.” He didn’t know a man’s seductive voice can be that sexy. Kame… his gaze.. it’s boring holes on him. Kame makes him settle his other hand on his waist as he sways against Jin.

They danced, slowly, sensually. And for a while there Jin almost forgot he’s dancing with a man. It was like cold water was dumped onto him when he felt Kame’s hard on pressed against his crotch. “I like your hips. I’m curious as to how good it can make me feel.” Kame is a dirty talked, alright.

Jin feels so lame, just standing there and submitting to this man he just met. He took on this challenge. So he might as well do his part well, right?

Jin grabbed Kame’s hips tighter and rolled his hips against him, the friction causing both of them to let out whimpers. “Now you have an idea.” He whispered on Kame’s ears, hearing a chuckle.

“I’d really like to see more.” Kame replied and he closed the distance between their faces and captured Jin’s lips with his own. As if that small action isn’t enough to startle Jin, he felt Kame’s palm against his now growing hard-on. It’s been a long time since he last went clubbing and he forgot how forward people in this place can be.

He felt Kame tug on his wrist, gesturing for them to get out of the dance floor and continue their business somewhere else. But Jin stopped him, “No wait.” He said. Then he saw Kame flinch and he realized his ring grazed on Kame’s skin. “You’re married?” Kame looked as if he was cheated.

“Yes- no.. I mean Yes.” Jin breathed out. “I am. So hold up and hear me first.” Jin managed to get Kame away from the dance floor so they can talk properly.

“Just so you know, I don’t do married. So you really don’t have to explain and let me be. God, this is such a waste of my time!” It was the first time Jin heard Kame’s masculine voice. They have been sharing gentle whispers on the dancefloor and Kame seemed so soft spoken.

Kame was about to turn away when Jin caught his hand again. “I said wait, alright? I know this is going to sound weird but since you’re very forward and I don’t know how to do this, I’m just going to tell you as it is. So don’t freak out okay?” Kame looks at him expectantly. “Are you interested in a threesome?”

Kame’s eyes widened. He looked like he was about to say something but closes his mouth and opens it again. “What?” he flatly says.

“I asked you, if you’re interested to..”

“do threesome, I heard.” Kame then gave out a loud laugh. “A threesome? With you? And who? Your wife? Don’t tell me she’s here?” Kame seemed sarcastic, but when Jin nodded at pointed to the bar’s direction, Kame’s eyes followed and he saw a woman-a very attractive woman-raising her glass to make her presence known.

“What the fuck.” Kame breathed. Sure he’s had threesomes before. But never with a married couple!

“My wife’s coming to say hello.” Jin said as he spotted Meisa leaving the bar.

Kame couldn’t still keep up. “So this… this is your wife’s idea?” he asked Jin, still cannot believe the situation he’s being put in.

Jin nodded. “It’s going to be my first time, if ever.” He admitted, voice low, somewhat embarrassed.

“Hello there!” came Meisa’s greeting. “I see you’re now acquainted with my husband. What do you think about our offer?” this girl means business- Kame thought. So direct.

“This has got to be a joke.” Kame mumbled, looking very uncomfortable now that Meisa has approached them.

“Oh but it is not…” Meisa glanced at Jin questioningly, “Kamenashi.” Jin continued. “Kamenashi-kun. I’m afraid we’re damn serious. So you’re either in or we’re going to find somebody else who’s up for the challenge.” Meisa then latches herself on Jin’s arm. “though im pretty sure you wouldn’t want to miss on this opportunity.. seeing how hard you were grinding on my husband earlier.”

Kame stared intently at the couple. Morally, this is wrong.

“So you don’t mind sharing him?” came Kame’s question.

“Only when I’m around.” Meisa says. So this is about exclusivity and inclusivity- Kame thought. “I’m eager to see this through, Kamenashi-kun. So I need your decision now.”

“Alright, im in.” Kame didn’t even know why those words slipped out of his mouth and for a split second, his eyes locked with Jin’s and he wasn’t sure if the fire in the man’s eyes is of lust or fear. This is going to be his first time, after all.

The next thing Kame knows, he’s being dragged by Meisa with Jin following them behind.

Shit’s getting real-Jin thought as he focuses his gaze on his wife and this man he so successfully fished.

Jin was about to get in the driver’s seat when Meisa announced, “I’m driving, baby.” And made his scoot over to the back. “Hop in, Kamenashi-kun!” and the smaller man did. Jin also settled inside, sitting beside Kame.

“Our place is not too far away from here.” Meisa informed him. “You guys are welcome to get the party started at the back while I drive.” Meisa sent Jin a look through the rear-view mirror-an imploring look.

“Your husband… he doesn’t seem to be very fond of this idea.” Kame spoke, glancing at Jin.

“He isn’t. But I’m sure this will be such a great experience for him.” Meisa answered, busying herself with driving. “This is his gift to me.”  Meisa continued. “It’s our 5th anniversary.”

Kame gave a soft laugh. “I didn’t know this is a thing now. Gifting each other threesomes on anniversaries.”

“It’s not always like this.” Jin pursed his lips together. “But Meisa wanted me to try..”

Kame inched himself closer to Jin, noticing their built difference. “How devoted.” He said- almost mockingly.

“Isnt he?” Meisa giggled. “I’d like you to take good care of him, Kamenashi-kun.” And Jin felt weird about that. It’s like… Meisa’s selling him or turning him over to someone..

“Just Kame will be fine. It’ll be a mouthful if you say Kamenashi when you come.” Kame directed those words to Jin, his wandering hand settling on his thigh- giving it a rough squeeze.

“Look at me.” Kame demanded, and Jin did. The smaller man made an attempt to kiss, but their lips ended merely brushing. “I’m going to make you feel so good tonight..” was Kame’s promise. And then he claimed Jin’s lips.

Jin felt his insides turn in a weird, unfamiliar way. Kissing Kame now felt different from when they were kissing in the club. He caught a glimpse of Meisa looking at them through the mirror and Jin knew she’s getting wet from the sight.

There’s no turning back now-he thought.

With one fluid move, he leaned towards Kame, taking the other by surprise and he broke the kiss. “You better.” At first Kame was confused, but he realized it was Jin’s answer to his promise earlier. They engaged in another kissing spree, hands everywhere. He took Jin’s free hand and placed it on his crotch, where most attention is needed. Jin flinched at first, but Kame nipped on his lower lip and thrust against his palm.

They had not realized they’ve been making out for a full 10 minutes when Meisa pulled the handbreak and killed the car’s engine. “I cannot wait to join you guys.” She said, eyes hooded with desire and she got out of the car-- Hurriedly making her way to the front door.

Kame thought Jin will go back to his reserved state but he was wrong when Jin bit his lower lip and cupped his firmer. “Let’s go.” His voice is dark with promise.

Kame was left there smirking. This is going to be good.

As soon as he got inside, he spotted the couple making out by the kitchen counter. He scanned around the house- although dimlit- he noticed how everything is well put together. This couple seems well off- he concluded.

“Kame, stop ogling the furniture and come join us.” He heard Meisa’s invite. She’s seated on top of the kitchen counter, Jin in between her legs. Meisa reached her hand towards Kame, grasping his shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind girls.” She giggled. And to answer her, Kame locked his lips with her, feeling her breasts while doing so.

Kame glanced at Jin as he massaged Meisa’s right breast through her very thin clothing. Jin’s lips is pursed tightly, jaw clenched. And Kame has another conclusion-he doesn’t like it when someone else touches her.

Meisa ended the kiss and motioned for Jin to face Kame. She guided their heads together for their lips to meet. “Fuck, that’s hot.” Meisa gushed.

The kiss started gently, lips merely brushing, but it deepened in no time as Jin shoved his tongue inside Kame’s hot cavern. Kame took his tongue in and theirs battled for dominance. Kame likes Jin’s strong tongue and imagines it lapping on his cock and circling around his small opening.

Kame moaned loudly. Those thoughts alone drives him mad.

Meisa comes down from the kitchen counter and takes Jin’s hand. She guides it to Kame’s crotch and rubs it over where the already tight pants seem tightest. Kame lets out another moan, breaking the kiss and throwing his head back.

“Kiss him all over, baby.” Meisa instructed Jin and the husband did as told. He started attacking Kame’s neck. Lips and tongue and teeth and all. He wants to see how rough he can go with this man. Surely, he wouldn’t need some gentle touching on their first fuck unlike girls, right?

Meisa started unbuttoning Jin’s shirt, purposely scratching on his skin. “You have no idea what this is doing to me, baby.” Meisa whispered to Jin.  She pulled away her husband’s shirt. “Why don’t we continue this in the bedroom?” she asked, holding Jin’s hand and guiding him away from Kame. Kame trailed behind them.

Jin stopped by the edge of the bed and Meisa busied herself with unbuckling his belt. Jin closed his eyes. He knows where this is going.

When Meisa has already removed his pants, she motioned for Kame to step forward. “Take off his underwear.” She told the stranger.

Kame gladly did and Jin’s rock hard erection sprung forth and Kame could just lick his lips. “I can’t wait to tighten around this huge cock.” He said as he got down on his knees, Meisa did too. They positioned themselves on each side, and as if choreographed, both lapped their tongues on Jin’s whole length. The sight alone almost brings Jin to the edge.

This wasn’t the first time he’s receiving head from two people, but having a man down there.. it just brings in a whole new feeling.

Meisa and Kame continued to lick him until his wife took hold of his cock and guided it to Kame’s perfectly pouty lips. Jin grunted at the contact. “Fuck.”

Kame, very skilfully, continued his ministrations. Meisa’s hand still on Jin’s cock as well, sucking on his sacs every now and then. Jin is going to combust any minute now. But his wife’s firm grip on his balls refused him that luxury.

Meisa stood up and whispered to him, “Don’t come too quickly, baby. We wouldn’t want to disappoint our guest.” She stepped back once, and started taking her clothes off. She unclasped her bra and took off her panties, brushing her hands against her nipples, pinching them.

“Stand up, Kame.” Jin ordered. Kame did with a whimper. He’s enjoying the other man’s cock too much. “Meisa, on the bed.” It was rare of Jin to address his wife by her given name. It only ever happens under two circumstances: When he’s dead angry or when he’s let out his wild side. Meisa is sure this is wild Jin giving orders now.

Jin circled the bed and kneeled by the center as Meisa laid down, with one swift move, Jin spun her around and propped her on all fours. Kame just stood there, hand massaging his cock softly.. not wanting to bring himself to the edge yet.

Jin gripped Meisa’s hips hard and rammed his entire length inside her. He buried as much as he could. There was a loud gasp-a scream erupted from Meisa’s mouth and her eyes rolled to the back. Fuck, he fucks hard-Kame thought, his cock twitches.

Jin repeated that same action five times and Meisa came. She came from those hard thrusts-no clit simulation needed. . Kame looks at Jin amazed.  He knew there’s something special with those hips. And with that cock.

As soon as Meisa recovered from the high, she scoots over and says, “Kame-chan’s turn.”

Kame wasted no time. He has to have Jin now.

He positioned himself in front of Jin, lewdly propping his ass out. Jin’s hands landed on those round butt cheeks and he gives them a squeeze.

Kame missed it but maybe Jin looked at Meisa, whose beside them and touching herself, “I’ll guide you baby.”

Soon enough, Kame heard a plastic being ripped open and a bottle cap popped.

“You have to prepare him, Jin.” Meisa’s voice is soft.. soothing.

Kame hissed as he felt one protruding finger on his small hole. Jin soon inserted, his emotions mixing inside. He’s done anal with Meisa before, but prepping a man feels different. With Meisa he had to be extra careful, even leaving an anal plug just so she would feel comfortable. But with Kame, Jin somehow felt that he can be rougher, progress a little faster. He inserted another one and Kame threw his head back.

“Do scissoring motions.” Came another instruction from his wife. “I love how turned on you are, baby. I’ve never felt you that hard before.” Meisa said, massaging Jin’s arm.

Kame’s cock twitched again when he heard that. Does he really turn Jin on that much?

“I can take him.” He managed to say in between ragged breaths. He’s had enough of Jin’s fingers. He wants his cock. Now.

“impatient little thing, aren’t you?” Meisa laughs. “Now baby, you have to be gentle… or not?” there was playfulness lacing her voice. “It seems to me that Kame-chan is eager to be taken, anyway.” Kame feels the shift on the bed as Meisa resumes to her previous position- facing the both of them with her legs parted and finger playing with her clit.

Kame felt Jin position himself by his entrance. “Don’t worry, Kame. I don’t plan on being gentle.” And with that, he pushed in-slowly but up the hilt-earning a loud cry from the smaller man.

True to his promise, Jin didn’t let Kame adjust to his size. He pulls out and slams back in completely, hitting Kame’s prostate every single time.

Jin closed his eyes tightly. He’s never felt this much heat around his cock before. He couldn’t quite pertain to whatever is different between fucking a man and a woman… but there is something different-well except the obvious.

Jin grips Kame’s right buttcheek, and slams even harder. With Jin’s size, he really doesn’t need to put in much effort in making his partner feel good. He could go slow and he can still make his partner cum. Kame goes crazy with thoughts of what if Jin fucks him hard and fast. He’s be coming in no time.

“Fuck!” Jin groans again and Kame smirks. He tightened around him on purpose.

Kame hears Meisa’s staggered breathing beside him. “Come, I can fuck you Meisa.” He offered.

“Oh no. Jin doesn’t like it when someone else fucks me. Don’t worry, I’m alright.” Meisa said reassuringly.

“No-“ Jin’s low voice cuts in. “but he can eat you.” He said. And Meisa’s eyes widened in delight. She wasted no time in positioning herself in front of Kame’s face.

“Oh fuck!” Meisa moaned as soon as Kame’s tongue came in contact with her clit. Kame drives her crazier when he pushes in two fingers inside her, all the while not breaking his contact with her sensitive bud.

Jin’s eyes are clouded with lust. He doesn’t know where to look. It feels amazing seeing Kame’s ass take in his cock while the smaller man orals his wife. He slams faster into Kame. Meisa’s pitch changes and Jin knows she’s nearing. He continues the consistency of his thrusts, knowing very well that Kame’s moaning sends vibrations to her clit.

Meisa came for the second time that night.

She didn’t have much time recovering when Jin suddenly lifts Kame up and makes him kneel in front of him without breaking their connection. Meisa saw Jin hesitate in taking Kame’s cock in his hand. So she glances at Jin, asking permission to pleasure their guest.

Jin gave a small nod, his warm breath against Kame’s neck. The latter cries out in ecstasy the second he felt the warm mouth envelope his throbbing member. Meisa knew that by the speed Jin is going, he’ll be getting off soon so she sucked Kame to her husband’s rhythm and in no time, Kame came, hot and fuzzy in her mouth. This action resulted for Kame to tighten around Jin’s cock, sending him over the edge as well.

Meisa was quick to dodge Kame’s spent body falling on the mattress. Jin plops down too, hair sticking to his face due to sweat. She got in between the two men and settled beside her husband. She rolled off the condom, filled with his cum and threw it by the trashbin beside their bedside table.

“That was amazing.” She said as she puts a chaste kiss on her husband’s lips. Jin is still high on pleasure.

Kame attempted to stand but failed. It’s been a while since he’s experienced that kind of high.

“You can stay for a while.” Meisa said.

Kame shook his head. “I know when to leave.” He said with a smile. He successfully stands up and gathers his clothes-putting them on hastily. On the corner of his eyes, he noticed Meisa leaning towards Jin’s ears and whispering something and to that, Jin gave a small nod.

“Ne, Kame-chan.. we’d love to do this again.. mind leaving your number?” Meisa sits up. Even Jin is shocked that he agrees. They never did the same person twice.

Kame and Meisa exchanged numbers and soon the former is out of the door.

Meisa returns to Jin’s arms. “That was amazing.” She repeated. “I hope it is for you as it is for me.” She hugged him.

“Yeah.” Jin snorted. It was the best fuck ever. But Jin wouldn’t want to voice out his thoughts.

“I’m surprised you let Kame do those things to me.. usually you’d be very… against it.”

“He seemed… harmless.” Jin wasn’t sure those are the perfect words to use. Meisa laughed. “Damn good with his mouth tho.” She commented.

“Yeah.” Damn good. And suddenly, images of Kame sucking him, Kame taking him.. it filled his mind. He feels the beginning of another erection but dismisses it anyway. Suddenly, realization hits him.

What the fuck just happened?

Did he just fuck another guy?

And liked it?

A/N: This was originally supposed to be a one-shot fic. But I wanted to be as detailed as I can be. And I think it’s my first time writing a threesome with akame and a non-fictional character alongside them. I can not picture them with someone else. I love me some Akakura, for sure! This idea is so twisted. It was inspired by a Netflix film called ‘Newness’ (I know, I stole the title, lol. But it’s so damn fitting please forgive me.) so if you haven’t seen that, definitely please check it out.

I also know that it seems more Akakuro than Akame here but please please believe me when I say I’m just building up the story. I cannot leave Meisa out because she’s the one who introduced this whole idea to Jin in the first place.

I will try to update as soon as possible! I’ll be busy with work this weekend so hopefully, I get something done on Monday. Till then, please wait! Let me know what you think. I hope I didn’t fail on the smut lol.

pairing: akakuro;, pairing: akame, fic: multichap

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