Sep 12, 2013 11:17
also appologies for bad spelling and shit i cannot see well at all right now. everything is foggy. but i am going to try anyway
saturday before labor day i woek up with the twinge of iritis (Honestly look it up. i am guessing you have all graduated past the second grade and have more that two functioning brain cells and can maybe possibly even copy paste a damn word into google.) So i went to find my eye drops for it. They were gone. I got pissed. i ended up dumping shit out of bags and all manner of thing. No Fucking Eye Drops to be had
So i figured i knew what they were. and while my doctor was not open that day the ER was. Yes i know ERT BAD ER BAD. well fuck off since i have nothing else and no way around to alot of things so it is what the fuck i had.
so after the farmers market picking up produce to start prepping for stuff i went there. after an hour i was seen. I was tol di did not have my old friend Iritis and that it was a corneal scrathc and they gave me eyedrops that ended up making it all worse.
well fuck.
so monday i come back telling them that the drops are made of pure hate and are making everything worse and that if they just gave me the fucking eye drops i had asked for then i coul dbe good and on my fucking way. NOPE!!!!! you have uveitis! Level Up. and even though the fuckiung care sheet says to give you the drops you asked for here have some fucking antibacterial drops for an autoimmune infection that is not caused by a outside vector.
the new drops were much like the googgles of Mega man fame. they did nothing.
tuesday morning i go to my eye doctor. Get told they cannot give me an appoint ment til like monday. Fine make one for me. Stupid looks. eventually i just fucking leave.
back to the ER trip three. Ask if there are any other doctors of the eye type in town. after all all i have is a mobility scooter for ALL my transport needs. Nope they do not think they do. but tell me to go look it up as they ALREADY KNOW i cannot see shit and definitely cannot fucking read at all with my eyes being whores.
Call the eye doctor again on thrusday since the ER called them and they tried to blow up my fucking phone in the ER calling me even though all cell phone signals are mostly blocked in the fucking ER. Anyway i get told that not only could i not get a quick eye appo8intment despite the pain and bullshit but that indeed they would not have a fucking doctor til october
friday go back to ER since now pain is everywhere in my upper face. This shit has been so god damned bad i have been unable to read anything. light was beyond horific. i have been driving around town endlessly looking for help with only one working eye and no depth perception. Hell i had to keep buying pre made food for the entire fucking time since i nearly cut my own finger off trying to cut a fucking cucumber. and when Dave asked me to cook some salmon i almost tossed it into the trash trying to flip the fucking thing. I have been a danger to myself all the time. Could barely eat unless i had my eyes closed since focusing on anything was like haveing a steak knife through the eye (they work as a team) and not being able to sleep for more that two hours at a time because if i slept on my one side it would hurt the eye. if i flipped to the other side it hurt my nigh useless fucking arm. and well sleeping on my fucking back is NO since my fat makes it hard to breath like that.
so yeah already not happy.
so i go to the ER on friday cause the pain has spread. I am trying to go with their fucking diagnosis and think maybe the "infectoin" has spread. So my ONLY thought was maybe they can give me something for that so i can sleep at least. THAT IS THE ONLY THING that was in my head
Cue Dr Fuckface McHamfist. Starts the session with me by tell8ing me EVRYTHING is my fault. and that i cannot sue them. Had no thought of that til then. Argues with me that i cannot have been told what i was told. dismisses me trying to say anything really tells me i have Iritis Which i knew a fucking week ago Yells at me about how importan my fucking eye is at which point i have had it and scream back that i am a fucking artist and i know how fucing iomportant my eye is and that is it not my fault that i am fucking poor and do not have ways to make it to pittsburgh or where the fuck ever he thinks i should go. He decides to give me an eye exam. with h9is bare hands. and the brightest lights this side of a galatci collision. he just grabs my fucking eye lid and turns it inside out to keep my eye open. just hamfists my fucking eye. and then as the last fucking thing puts his fucking thumb on it and PRESSES in and says non chanlantly the pressure is fine. they he calls my eye doctor and i can hear that he is supposed to be on call that night but does not have him come in. comes in and tells me again that i am lair about what i was told trying to get an appointment and that to call them saturday morning and that i would get hold of the doctor himself,. hands me the paper on iritis which HAS THE EXACT RECOMMENDATION OF THE MEDICINE I HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR RIGHT ON THE FUCKING THING! but does not give me the medicine. By the point my eye hurts so fucking bad all i can do is openly cry like a baby in a chipper shredder. and do so for like a fucking hour before i can move. I gimp my way home on the scooter without being able to see. i have no idea how i gto home really.
called saturday morning. get told they are not open and cannot give me a fucking appointment and to call back monday morning. My eye hurt worse than anything i have felt in a long time. right up there with the spinal injury. i was useless and could barely see a thing. Also at this point i had no balance left. gimp around saturday.
gimp around sunday
Monday call and MIRACLE get an appointment for around 1:30 pm. Lay back down til then. wake up and have no balance and fall unto the pile of stuff at my "art desk" (which i about give up on ever having) hurt myself. get on scooter. No depth precerption. cannot wear sun glasses and patch at same time. sun comes out hard. vision is gone. go over curb and flip the fucking scooter. call them while righting myself and tel them i am going to be late. thankfully they are ok with that. hu7rt my right arm which has been nigh useless most of the year from injuring it back in Febuary still hurts so fucking bad i can barely sleep right now. and typing one handed with shitty eyes is so much fun let me tell you. ANyway get there. 2 plus hours of eye stuff. get the meds i need. eye feels almost instantly better. but because of this week and some days of stupidity i have eye damage. i am currelty having to take my one eye drop 2 drops every hour. (normally 1 drop eveery 4 hours) and the other drop is that eye dilator because my iris is frozen in place. this is to hopefully loosen it up. he got it to barely move in the time i was there and did those drops three times while i was there.
my blood sugar dropped like Paula Deans approval rating while at the eye doctors. when i finally got to eat it made me so very ill.
but i have my meds and hopefully by thursday i will be able to see properly again and the damamge can be mostly fixed.. Also i am seriously considering filing a lawsuit against people for this shit. namely McHamfist.