Jul 24, 2013 20:33
So i hid for the heat wave. which killed most of the plants i planted on purpose. well at least did grievous bodily harm to them and only murdered a few. However the weeds (i define weeds as quick growing non edible non medicinal plants that strangle out other plants or overgrow them so quickly as to smother others.) grew like bamboo. In fact one of them i just tore out and now have to rest from doing was so huge i thought it was a Million weeds that took over my area that i have for wildflowers. the main stem was two inches thick. it laid across the ground and sent up branches that looked like full grown weeds. it was 8 feet from root to where it bent up at the last part. the parts standing were three to four feet tall. if it had been standing it would have been taller than my apple tree. may have been wider too. The kicker is i weeded right before the heat wave knowing they would go crazy. so this was a little over a week that it was growing.
and that is just ONE of the weeds i just ripped out. I have almost filled my Compost heap to the brim with them and am only 1/4 done so far.
I am so buying borax and some other things come the first. the time for murder has come.