The heart sings hardcore curses

Aug 12, 2009 13:57

Hello to you to. It's been a while since i poured my heart out. (Yeah whatever, say what you want about me being such a sod. IDGAF) I've been so busy with work and I've been assigned to many many manyyyyyyyy different work because we don't have enough workers in the firm. Putting that aside, currently I'm still using Kuso Aho (my infamous auto-reboot PC) for work and I was assigned to do a lot of remoting and loading after one of my colleagues take a long confinement leave. I was promised a new machine to replace Kuso Aho (which I well.. dearly love..) to help me perform my duties fast and efficient (blegh!). While my other colleagues are getting new laptops because they are posted to another country for a few months, I, yes ME, was given scraps from one of my colleague, with hard disk of 40gb and a freespace of < 3gb.

I'm seriously considering sending in my resignation letter. I'm pretty upset with the way I'm treated in this company. Well, I wasn't previously, but this time I pretty much loath the way things are going. As far as I remember, my work description does not include the things I'm doing now, and I'm doing it for the sake of helping my colleagues. And with clients which brains are like ants' I'm pretty much fucked now.

All I'm asking is just to replace the GOD DAMN PC to a new one. It's not much.
And I don't want some hand-me-down shit. It's fucking useless.

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