(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 02:28

*looks around and suddenly appears*

Yay! Teh Snowy-Snowy has thus returned! Well, acutally, I've just been too lazy to update here and Xanga, so yeah. I'll prolly be looking through all my Xanga entries and kinda reposting them here for a quick update.

I think I'm might be updating LJ a little bit more now that Xanga has lost it's touch. *nodnod*

I have been keeping up with everyone's LJ, and yay for Liz getting a job, yay for the Anime Fest, and whoot for the pictures that redmarsmen posted. XD


Update time!

- Moved from Newton Kansas, to Boise Idaho. (Well, actually Garden City)
- Unpacked a bunch of boxes for the first few weeks.
- Finally got a home phone, and a cell phone that works.
- Had a plan to make new friends, but hasn't done that yet. ;_;
- Got a Job working for AOL.
- Got a laptop as an early birthday present.
- *insert bunches of Drama from Xanga*
- Website got hacked, but now has been returned.

Yeah, that's about all I think... If you really want to read more of it, just go to: http://www.xanga.com/artistic_apathy

*huggles everyone*

<3 Snowy
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