
Jan 08, 2006 19:46

What kind of Nightmare would you be if you were one?(anime pics,detailed results.Guys&girls!!)

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How Dark Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

1)Coffee or Tea?: Tea
2)Moon or stars?: Moon, stars are cool only through a telescope, or out where there is no light.
3)Favourite Sound?: Driving melodic synth lines in techno music
4)Favourite Word?: Genesis, cellardoor, yoness
5)Favourite Smell?: Marijuana
6)Is your favourite colour indescribable?: Dork :P Lol.
7)Favourite Foreign Accent?: French... >.>
8)Favourite curse word?: Shit...I say fuck a lot too...
9)Silver or Gold?: Silver
10)Favourite Gemstone?: Malachite
11)If you were a song, what key would you be in?: G minor
12)Tenor, Bass, Alto, or Soprano?: Tenor
13)Most often used number on the microwave?: 1
14)What's one guilty pleasure of yours?: ...drugs...
15)Beetlejuice or Betelgeuse?: Betelgeuse
16)Bath or Shower?: Shower, bath is fun with a woman. ^.^
17)Silent Hill or Resident Evil?: Resident Evil
18)Favourite Bottled Water?: Any but Dannon
19)0.5 or 0.7 lead?: 0.7
20)Do you call them "hoodies" or "hooded sweatshirt"?: Hoodies
21)What do you put on your pancakes?: Butter and syrup
22)Favourite letter of the alphabet?: Hmmm... W...or V
23)Favourite day of the week?: Fridays are always nice...
24)Favourite number?: 13
25)If you could get a free one-way ticket to any place in the world, where would it be?: A small island in the bahamas.
26)Desired mode of transportation?: Car...or walking
27)Chocolate or "White Chocolate"?: Chocolate
28)Pacific or Atlantic?: Either is cool.
29)iTunes, Windows Media, or Real Player?: Window Media, and Winamp.
30)Do you look up, down, or straight ahead as you're walking?: Down, up if the clouds look cool.
31)Acoustic or electric?: Both
32)How many colours have your hair been?: 2 and half, (silverish purple, blonde, blonde highlights)
33)Have you had an online crush?: Nope
34)Did your first fight come before or after the first time you said, "I love you"?: After
35)True or False? I'd rather be alone than happy with someone else.: False
36)Van Gogh or Dali? DALI! and Escher.


37)Five Favourite Childhood shows:
1]Swat Cats
2]Ronin Warriors
5]Land of the Lost
38)Five Favourite Places:
1]The secret spot at Shippensburg
2]My room
3]South Mountain
4]Erika's arms
5]My mind (imagination)
39)Five adjectives to describe yourself:
40)Five websites you own or visit:
1]Live Journal
3]Xanga(I forgot the password though)
5]Ship Anime Forums

(001) Your gender: Male
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(003) Single?: Nope. ^.^
(004) Want to be? Never
(005) Your birth day: Sept 13 1984
(006) Age you wish you were: Now?
(009) The color of your eyes: blue/grey
(010) Piercings? None
(012) Tattoos: None...yet...


(013) Smoke: Very rarely
(014) Do drugs: Yes
(015) Read the newspaper: Rarely
(017) Talk to strangers: Rarely
(018) Take walks in the rain: Rarely...
(019) Drive: A lot lol.
(020) Like to drive fast?: No
(021) Hurt yourself: Somtimes
(022) Been out of the country: Canada and Greece and Italy
(023) Been in love: Too many times...
(024) Done drugs: Too many
(025) Gone skinny dipping: Yup
(026) Had a surgery: Yup
(027) Ran away from home: Yups
(028) Played strip poker: Yup
(029) Gotten beaten up: Only by my brothers
(030) Been picked on: For years...
(031) Been on stage: Once
(032) Slept outdoors: In a tent yes.
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: A few
(036) Talked on the phone all night: Not ALL night but a good chunk...
(038) Slept all day: Probably
(039) Killed someone: Not in this life
(040) Made out with a stranger: nope
(041) Had sex with a stranger: Nope
(042) Kissed the same sex: Not on the lips
(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex: Not of my own will...
(044) Been betrayed: Too many times
(045) Broken the law: Every day
(046) Met a famous person: Some wrestlers when I was really young
(047) Been on radio/tv: Yes, a commercial for my resteraunt on like channel 63
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: Yes
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: Sometimes
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: If criticize is being told i'm the best...
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: A few but they had little significance...so far...
(052) Shoe brand: Osirus, Globe, Vans.
(053) School: Shippensburg University
(054) Wear hats: Only this top hat I stole from Henry.
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: Yes
(057) Favorite place to shop: Control Pad, R.C Games, Q Mart
(058) Favorite article of clothing: My Berserk shirt
(059) Are you trendy: I try not to be


(060) Believe in life on other planets: Yes
(061) Miracles: Not in the religious sense.
(062) Astrology: Certain things...
(063) Magic: Tricks of the mind.
(064) God: Not in the traditional sense.
(066) Santa: No
(067) Ghosts: Yes
(068) birth: Ummm...yeah?
(069) Love at first sight: Attraction yes.
(070) Yin and Yang: DEFINITELY!
(071) Witches: There are these modern day biddies...
(072) Easter bunny: No
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: No, you always learn even if it hurts.
(080) What do you find romantic: Anything natural and not man made. Unless it's artwork or music
(081) Turn-on: Hands running through my hair, Tight jeans and t-shirts, smiles.
(082) Turn-off: Clothes
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: No but they matter.
(084) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for girl to ask a guy out? Why isn't it socially acceptable?
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Oddly, yes.
(087) What is best about the opposite sex: Thier tenderness and the way they smell and feel.
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: An awesome mushroom painting from Erika.
(090)Do you like someone at this moment?: I like lots of people


(090) That you laughed at: Rob, or my bro
(091) That laughed at you: My bro
(092) That turned you on: Erika
(093) You went shopping with: Andrew
(094) To disappoint you: Erika, by saying I dissapointed her for leaving eraly lol.
(096) To make you cry: Myself
(097) To brighten up your day: My day isn't bright till i've told Erika I love her.
(099) You saw a movie with: Erika
(100) You talked to on the phone: Andrew
(101) You talked to through IM: Damn long time ago
(102) Your 4 friends: Home: Andrew, Nate, Hill, Alex School: Danny, Henry, Jon, Rob


(104) Smiled: Today
(105) Laughed: Today
(106) Cried: A while ago
(107) Bought something: This afternoon
(108) Danced: I danced for like...10 seconds this morning.
(109) Were sarcastic: I dunoo today somtime.
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: Yesterday.
(111) Talked to an ex: Hmm...like a month ago.
(112) Watched your fav movie: A while ago.
(113) Talked on the phone: like an hour ago.
(114) Listened to the radio: Last night actually.
(115) Watched TV: Just before
(116) Went out:This early afternoon.
(117) Helped someone: Today, my mom.
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: Last night.
(120) Did something with someone you didnt want to do: I dunno...hung out probably.
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