
Oct 21, 2011 03:08

I never actually use this journal for journaling anymore.

It's kind of funny that way. I'm not even sure anyone would read it if I did, lol.

I use this journal to sign up for RP games, and I use it to comment or post on customers suck. I use it to join communities, but I don't generally keep a journal.

I really need to start keeping one.

It's hard though, to use a journal, keep to it...these days when writing words has all but left me, when I barely comprehend the English language at times, it's real hard. But I should be keeping a journal. I can't seem to write it out anymore than I can type it, and much of my time is spent here at my laptop. I expect, when I start therapy, it may be a requirement, although by then I may be too far gone to worry about it.

I am terrified of what will happen when I go.

When I tell the doctor what I am experiencing, will he give me meds? Have me committed? The meds I am on now are alright, but don't antipsychotics fuck with your memory?

I am barely functional these days. Things are so mixed up in my mind. This isn't about my past, my future, or the present. Something is wrong with me and I don't know how to fix it.

I feel like quoting Sora.

Is any of this for real? Or not....

sigh, psychosis, meds

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