☂ I want to be that DS.

Sep 11, 2010 16:22

lol Tegoshi's playing Pokemon too seriously. XD He's also cute being like that. When is he not cute anyway? XD
He actually makes me want to play Pokemon. It's been ages! I've already finished one whole game and never played after that. ahaha Most hard parts were played with the help of my brother though. lol

I've made lots of gifs!! :D *twirls around* I just couldn't help it. My soccer baka is just too cute (yes, his every bit), so what can I do? XD

I don't get exactly what he's saying here but. . .him talking about the pokeball or something? Um, masterball? lol and how the ball goes like, 'tilt-ish' when trying to catch the pokemon? lol



Aigoo so cute ♥ *squish*

Him licking his upper lip like that. LOVE IT ♥

and this, lol he looks up while raising his eyeborws and all of a sudden his eyes become like, 'Uhn, pervy' XD Um ok, I'll shut up. ahaha

lol I can see him being 100% normal here. XD and lol, his panicky expression. So cute. and the way he then was sort of laughing? Ah. LOVELY. Ok am getting to biased here. XD

lol 'That' hates-to-lose-guy. I love him. Yes, how can I not? XD

I seriously want to be that DS. D: He always seems to be 100% focused on that. Sigh. ahaha

Aww. It's been ageeess since I've spammed with Tego gifs here. I love Nintendo for the epic cuteness. I've gained another 50 years of my life. TEGOOOO~<3

and oh yeah, this is just too cute. XD Tegoshi and his giggly extremely cute expression and Yamapi's existence in the frame at the back. Woo!

P.S. If you observe well, you'll notice that my gifs have no watermark. D: Yes, sad case. My brother accidentally (yes, 'accidentally') reset our brushes. Therefore, all brushes got deleted except for the basic ones that are originally installed at Photoshop. It's ok to have your brushes deleted IF YOU HAVE SAVED THOSE YOU WANT TO THE COMOUTER. However, I DIDN'T SAVE MY BRUSHES OF TEGOSHI'S ARTWORKS TO THE COMPUTER. Thus, they're all gone. I have to get through the creating process again. It took me long to make those! T___T Oh well, I can repeat them anyway. Just that I'M FEELING LAZY. D: Sad case. XD

gifs, love, ♥♥♥, love.tegoshi, tegonyan, chu!, cute, :), picspam, tegoshi

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