'til now, that is.
Hey LJers great & small. I'm back, driven by... I'm not sure why I'm back-- boredom, perhaps-- but, I'm back all the same. Anyhoo, guess I'm eminiently grateful that despite LJ's supposed demise, I still have a blog to go back to. So, here's a quick roundup of things big and small that've transpired since last we met...
- Got laid-off around Thanksgiving; the tanking economy apparently being the "official reason" as to why. In hindsight, the gig was thankfully a bad fit. A (somewhat decent) paycheck, nothing more.
- But, now that I've been "liberated" professionally, I've decided to start looking into different trade programs in the area, and learn a new skill. (I think I've taken my B.A. as far as it can go, especially in this tanking economy.)
- Briefly dated someone over the holidays. For what it was, it was indeed both a bit of a learning experience as well as a bit of fun. He's since moved onto someone else, and I wish him nothing but the best. (Just don't really feel like maintaining contact w/ him right now.)
- Living off my savings. May need a part-time gig sometime in the near future.
- Got MAJORLY sick on NYE. Went to the ER twice-- the first time for a violent (but bloody) coughing fit. Two antibiotics, one inhaler and several gallons of scalding herbal tea later, I still have a slight cough and a lingering irritation of the throat. May go back and demand some industrial-strength steroids to cure it once-and-for-all...
- Because I've been sick, I HAVE NOT been able to work-out. I'm at my heaviest, people! Hopefully, I'll be feeling strong and healthy enough to hit the gym.
- Speaking of my own chubbiness, I seriously need to eat better.
- Musical mashups are fun. An entire night devoted to mashups-- along w/ my two wonderful buds notofthistime & beastishere ? Blessedly awesome!!
- Catching up w/ the final episodes of BSG. HOLY FRAK!!! Helen Tighe as the Fifth & Final Skinjob, Massacre of the Quorum of Twelve, Adama & Roslin knocking boots!! This is television at its finest...
- Note to Republicans-- You have absolutely NO SAY when it comes to the impending Stimulus Package. SHUT THE FUCK UP, and allow Our Holy Messiah Obama work his miracles...
And finally,
- Alas I have no special Valentine this year. By no means am I whining (this year, at least.) However... I AM open to any and all possibilities. If anyone is indeed interested in the position of being my Valentine, please forward your qualifications, stats, a recent picture and description of the various things you'd like to do me...
(All applicants will be considered.)