Oh no my week off is nearly OVER!!!

Feb 04, 2005 00:24

Well I'v got three more days before I'm back to being a slave (work). I'v really enjoyed my time off, havent really done anything intersting just relaxing and enjoying the time off. I'v even manged to update my lj!

I completed a game called Final Fantasy X (10) I know its nothing to baost about but I'v had the game for over a year and I was determind to complete it by the end of this week! What about you Rea, got any further in Grim Fandango! I still haven't re-installed it onto my computer.

I tried putting a picture on here again but still no luck just havent a clue me!

I can't belive you had to go into work! I think the two new people probaly weren't such a good idea. I don't like Aled and I haven't even worked a shift with him yet, god am I looking foward to coming back to work. You know, I'v got a funny feeling I'll get a phone call over the weekend to come into work.
Aaahhggrr I'm so anoyed now
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