i think im rubish

Jun 01, 2005 22:53

im a bit pissed off and bit upset, i decided that i was gunna leave in time to be able to speak to emma. so i gets home looks at the clock and thinks right em should be on, so i shoots upstairs to find that im not on the internet any more cos the stupid AOL had signed me out. so i txt em while im waitin for it to connect tellin her ill be on in a sec, but to my disapiontment she tells me shes not on. but i then thought fair doos cos BB is on and she loves it so i txt and asked if she was comin on in a bit. at this time i relise im not connecting to the internet *rage* so i txt em again i will be on in a while just need to fix my internet, she txts back im on now so im gettin even more pissed off cos i cant speak to her. so after a while of fuckin around with the bastard thing i ring ben and ask him if he is having troubles with his. no sez ben whats up with ures i tell him whats wrong and he tells me to try turnin the power off. so i do and it works i get online to find em has now gone off before i get a chance to talk 2 her. not only is she offline but for some reson i cant get thru to her mobile. so now im pissed off at the computer cos i dont want to have upset em and im upset cos i dint get to speak to her so i feel a bit rubish i think i my go down there 2moz and suprise her, spose it all depends if im wrokin our notill go find out in the mornin and c.
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