Again and Again it jsut always happens to me.

Apr 14, 2005 00:31

Well people, I feel kinda bad. Let's start off, I'm not sure I should say this, but friends always are pissing me off. Let's see some people are just being idiots. People don't know how I feel and never will, if they did then I would be at peace. For one some friends add u into stuff that u don't even want to be or they didn't ask. That's disrespectful. Then there's the friends that u feel turn on ur back and bring up crap that may not even be true. Kinda what Im talking about is my girl and her ex. They were fighting and he was all like I still love u, but I couldn't take the pain of u moving so I broke up with u. That's bullshit. I think atleast to me. Well I'm kinda cofused b/c I truly realize now how much I love Brittany now that I've been away from her for song long. There's just something missing, but I haven't let it bother me much til now. I will deal with it on my own for once. Anyways I'm hoping... wait that's not the right thing to say. We will stay together forever. Well I gotta work the next couple of days, but Saturday I'm off and I'm going to Harlem High's Car Show. Me love cars!!!!!! I also found out my truck may have a digital computer problem which is like $2000 t fix. Anyways people I'm going Brittanys on. Love ya'll.

Love ya Lee,
Love the Kyoness,
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