Brotherly Love - Part 3

Mar 10, 2012 23:54

Title: Brotherly Love - Part 3
Author: akinoyui
Pairing: Doojoon / Hyunseung / Junhyung, 2junseung
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Doojoon, Hyunseung and Junhyung were brothers. Truth was, they were in a very complicated relationship.
A/N: Obviously as you can see, I'm not really good at this =.= So...yeah ~

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rating: nc-17, pairing: doojoon/junhyung, b2st, pairing: hyunseung/junhyung, pairing: doojoon/hyunseung, #fanfiction

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icutkey March 10 2012, 18:36:12 UTC
haaaaaaahhhhhhhhh bad boy seungie get the rough..uh no no no...don't messed with ur Doo again i's scary hahahahahahahaaaa.......
although i was a bit scared wgen reading this chapter....
curious what actually gonna happened in the there possible if someone eoncunter their brotherly love????hummmm


akinoyui March 11 2012, 02:05:40 UTC
Haha* hugs and kisses you* Doo was a little possessive T_T you'll know why in the next part. Didn't mean to make It too scary for you! like I said above it'll all be nice and slow and gentle once Jun and Seung manage to put sense into Doo. Tsktsk I need to punish Doo.


morning icutkey March 11 2012, 02:48:49 UTC
i like possessibe Doo but too much for hyunseung..kekekekeee...damn DOo u left him without finishing kekekekekee

yeppp...punish Doo..wonder how u write it later..hahahahaa


Re: morning akinoyui March 11 2012, 03:19:28 UTC
Morning love! Lol... I already have the story line in my head. Doo will take good care of both of them. Hehehehe. I better not say too much xD


Re: morning icutkey March 11 2012, 03:39:28 UTC
hehehee is good to get reply when i am in da moody time..i hate hosptal porridge..yukkks....

ohohohohh..don't tell me the story...i kept imagining about it...hahahaaa...
doo must be take care of them of someone else goonna take them..


Re: morning akinoyui March 11 2012, 04:27:04 UTC
Omg hospital? What happened? I'm afraid of hospitals!=.= hope you'll feel better soon! I'm sorry that you are not feeling well ~


Re: morning icutkey March 11 2012, 07:53:56 UTC
actually i had a bad body cndition from i was a,stay in the hspital becus i was collapsed after my 5smster finished..nooo..dun worry,i'm okey although still staying a little longer than in the past..

i kept on bugging and giggling after reading u and my fav author fic.makes my doctor shakes his head..hahahahaa


Re: morning akinoyui March 11 2012, 08:38:51 UTC
awwwww.. Hope you will feel better soon! Please be well! I already updated! Do read it. HAHAHA. I promise it's nothing scary! I hope that made up for everything XDDDDDDD

Your doctor. LMAO ~ must be thinking what is this kid doing? LOL !!


late aftie icutkey March 11 2012, 10:41:30 UTC
aaawwww ssang gyu very gghamsa..heheheheee....
what??u already update..gonna read it noooow...exciting!!!

my doctos look at me like i am the craziest patient ever,he asked what i was reading? and i said the fiction in the world of fantasy..and he said,the hell young girl..kekekekekekek...


Re: late aftie akinoyui March 11 2012, 11:34:27 UTC
Hehehe.. I can imagine your doctor's face....shaking his head. Lol. That is so funny! When can you get out from hospital? T_T


good nite ohayou icutkey March 11 2012, 12:00:20 UTC
hehehee.smtimes i just need to teased him.hehehee..
n today bcus he was angry at,i don't listened to his lectures(that's what i said)hahahaa...i just keep on reading and reading^^


Re: good nite ohayou akinoyui March 11 2012, 13:30:04 UTC
Lol! How could you not listen to him? You..naughty you! Make sure you have enough rest!


ohayou icutkey March 11 2012, 23:08:43 UTC
heheheee.......becus he's too stubborn like me smtimes...... mian just reply,wake up in da morning now


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