Mar 24, 2012 11:51
This series is really taking the place of AF/UA for me, and it's because it handles everything that I love to see: drama, soul-searching, great characters with believable development, an engaging plot, etc. Sure, it doesn't take place in the DCAU, but it's a wonderful universe all of its own.
And there's also great amounts of humor too, among the fricking League. When suggesting new members, Superman suggests Icon, and they tease him about how he once theorized that Icon was Kryptonian (a comment Dwayne McDuffie used to get) and that he once mistook Captain Marvel for a Kryptonian too. Wonder Woman suggests Icon's partner, Rocket, since the League needs more women. Black Canary and Hawkgirl loudly agree, and the guys look a little nervous. Then Flash suggests adding Guy Gardner to their list of Green Lanterns, and Hal Jordan and John Stewart shoot him down.
Also, the shot of Captain Marvel giggling as he sits next to Batman. Just the juxtaposition.
Great stuff.