Nov 12, 2005 18:13
So I sat down to try and watch some spanish dubbed tv today..and i managed to see two enjoyable things
1-a music video in english...even if it was Madonna´s HORrible new song (one question...whatever happened to madonna´s quality material!?!...i´m talking borderline, lucky star, you know the stuff)
2- "Parker Lewis can´t loose" ..even if it was dubbed in spanish it made me smile REally big and gave me a happy feeling.
In closing,
I try to watch spanish television to just relax and listen to natural speech, but castellano is so much harder to understand than latinamerican spanish a lot of the time, so it turns out to be much more work than fun...i hope that changes very soon. At least the news it getting a lot easier to understand (especially the headlines at the bottom of the i actually have time to read them).
My understanding is starting to get a bit better I think overall.
In post closing,
SO....if anyone could send me a good book (in english of course) it would make me really happy i think...or anything in english (dvd, a new cd..even shitty pop would be accepted..etc...) it would be greatly appreciated...
don´t get me wrong I love spanish and I am doing my best to learn it...but sometimes you just need a break, right?