Aug 02, 2008 16:10
I guess the subject title said it all. Um...... Still working at the restaurant (like that's gonna change), trying to see if I can work on Burt L. Saunders' campaign for Congress, going up to St. Pete next week to take the GRE prep course (again), and done remodeling my house.
In the restaurant, I ended up have two 88 year old cousins, who are now my boyfriends, who got so drunk off of 2 glasses of wine, that I actually left work and drove them home. True we got lost twice, cuz they didn't know where they lived, and true, as I was driving at 20mph, they yelling at me to SLOW DOWN, YOU'RE GOING TOO FAST, SLOW DOWN!!! Oh my boys. I dropped them off and walked back to work. Chadwick (the ladies' man and bless his heart he even forgot his name...but not mine) offered to walk me back, but I didn't feel like extending a 5 minute walk into a 45 minute one. They came in again last night, and Warren yelled WE'RE NOT GONNA DRINK. PROMISE. as Chadwick grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss (aw, shucks) and told me about getting into the mafia and forgetting how he got out. *sigh* My boysssssssss, so so old and so hilarious. <3
About that Saunders thing, I'm trying to do something in my field, instead of just working in the restaurant. Yes, I know he's a Republican, but I'm not screaming about me being a Dem, so as long as this remains a secret, our love affair can hopefully flourish.
GREs.............. are the only thing stopping me from getting into grad school. Trufax. =[
My house looks AWESOME. We've been repainting like crazy and it looks hot.
Lauren, when do you go back to school???????